Month In Review – June 2024

7 mins read

By: Daiyu Tang – ‘The Girl Behind the Lens’

Half way through the year Readers… Are you still with me? Some of you aren’t and that’s a tragedy that Hathian is well known for, but there are many new faces as well. This cycle of life that we suffer here continues and so here we go again dear Hathian Reader.

It’s time for a Month In Review where we showcase a few of the articles from June that we hope you didn’t miss! For those interested in seeing a digest of some of the top stories, you can checkout our Year in Review for 2023 the January 2024February 20224March 2024April 2024 and May 2024 Months In Review.

In June 2024 we had 31 main articles published… A little up on May and thanks to our reporters the best effort since records began in 2008! We truly think that we’re helping you make good decisions, hear about other people’s bad decisions and find people to date and places to explore. What do you think? Where should we be focusing? And since Pride 24 was so recent and is going to be the subject of a follow-up article (we hope), please do accept us leaving that for July!

Anyway, here are your Editor’s top three for this month as well as honourable mentions!

Honourable Mentions

The FDH gained a new leader after the complete mental breakdown basket case that was Dale running over cops and otherwise embracing his ‘family’.

Trevor aims to run the FDH with a stable hand, promoting fairness and safety across Hathian. His team’s Tweets certainly show a more engaged and sassy FDH!

Down in the swamps, Vinny did his best to make me throw up on his flights before wondering if I’d “ride his stick”… if you’re looking for adventure, adrenalin and cheap ticket prices (traded against the risk to your life and/or personal space) then maybe visit Air Bayou?

Finally, in a delight for the Observer’s owner; students, Hathian Citizens and even umm… me, got their swimwear out and partied down at Columtreal University.

While few votes were received for the ‘Best Butts’ competition, there were certainly some great shots and if you’ve not had a chance to cast a vote or just be impressed by the curvy or chiselled bodies of those who attended… take a look!

Oh and let’s not forget two reporters who might have given Grandpa Hopper a Heart Attack… but keep it quiet… Or that Arnica Venus is pretty good at digging in holes

Number 3 – You Can Keep A Good Person Down

HPD provided us with a statement about the murder / deaths of Simona and Barley at the hands of Lucy ‘No Longer A’ Crow. Bloody, gory and written without some of the tact that perhaps the article should have had (but it was an HPD statement!) the crime was awful but it also exposed some really sick stuff happening behind the façade of this private group… A follow-up article where Lucy was found not guilty by reason of insanity rounded out the whole sordid tale.

Number 2 – A Good Vintage

The Hathian Police Department (‘HPD’) hosted a party to celebrate Inspector Krystal O´Neil’s ten years with the force, through which she had clearly made an impact on many staff (and likely criminals as well!). While this newspaper has strong views about the probity, ethics and morals of many of the HPD, there are some who rise above and do, mostly, their best for the wider community which in some ways is part of their family… Krystal was celebrated and for a moment Hathian stopped to recognise that all things being equal, ten years a long time to deal with this shit. Well done Krystal. Oh and she and Vanora also found a long hiding fugitive and locked him up as well! Result! All in one month!

Number 1 – War Never Changes But Maybe Laveau Does?

Slightly cheating here but it’s a joint lead with the destruction meted out to the Yuugen at the hands of the Rejects (followed by a purposefully not reported outdoor film screening) contrasted against the quiet and calm of Yoga down in Laveau.

With the general view that Laveau is all dirty and gritty (and shootings at the LSD and missing deputies) probably helping that perception, it was still nice to see the first of a now well attended and regular yoga classes being held. Perhaps you’ll join the next one – outside the Bait Shop?

And that was all for June dear readers! Many thanks to my staff their work, and thank you to anonymous citizen journalists as well. You are doing great work!

As always, catch a reporter in CU, Hathian or Backwaters (we visit as required!) to give us your stories, tips or other information! You can find our profiles here (and it’s not a dating page!)

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