It’s Our Final Batch

Only two days left to get your nominations in. Is this our final batch?

20 mins read

Dear Readers,

You know the drill, it’s the last batch of the Mr & Miss Hathian 2023 competition!

The Observer presents you with the final batch of contestants as nominated by other residents of Hathian. Well done to all those who have made the cut and commiserations to those that didn’t. We now have a total of twelve female and nine male nominations representing individuals who could potentially represent the town as Mr or Miss Hathian 2023! Just to job your memory, you can read previous nominations for batch one here and batch two here if you need.

As with our other rounds due to the recent destruction of the HGH, we included questions to our nominees about how that made them felt. Many provided moving responses which give us hope for Hathian. On July 22nd the HCS and Pawn Shop fundraiser was at $65k and now, only a week later the total is likely just over $300,000. What an amazing town and hopefully our nominations (in some cases) reflect that giving and generous spirit!

There’s almost no time left to enter your nominations. We said in our last article 31st July and we mean it. Two days left! Now, read on to see our latest (and possibly final) batch of hopefuls!

The Legitimate Businessman & The Helpful Doctor

We received the following nomination together and while we’re count them as separate for the purposes of the Mr and Miss element of the competition, we thought it was nice to put them together seeing as the nominator did. We have Hayden O’Shea and Rachell Gibbs for this nomination and our nominator said the following:

“I see them as good standing citizens who try to give to the community. He’s a businessman with a pub providing a safe place for citizens to unwind. She helps out there and is a doctor at HGH, or what was HGH. Personally think they’re good citizens to look up to. Ya don’t see them involved in questionable activities!”


We asked both Hayden and Rach our normal questions and are pleased to put their responses for you to read below.

How does being nominated make you feel?

Hayden: “Honestly, shocked. I was very surprised to find out I had been nominated. But it is also very touching and means a lot.”

Rach: “It makes me feel shocked, honestly. I might talk a lot on Twitter sometimes, but I tend to stick to a small social circle. I’m actually not even sure who would have nominated me! But it’s an honor, and I would like to thank whoever put my name forward!”

How has the recent HGH incident affected you and what do you think about it?

Hayden: “It has affected me personally, my partner works there. Thankfully, she wasn’t there at the time, I’d hate to think of what could have happened had she been there. As far as what I think, it’s horrible. A senseless act that didn’t and shouldn’t have happened. It’s affected our whole community, it’s taken a place that was meant to be safe for patients and staff and destroyed that. I am happy that people have been collecting donations to help, my partner has donated and I will be making another donation as well.”

Rach: “Unfortunately, the attack on HGH happened the day we were flying out of the country, so I was only able to keep tabs from the air. I definitely feel I should have been on the ground helping, and sincerely hope all victims are on their way to recovering now. Those who lost their lives, I wish peace for them and their family. That building was such a huge part of my life for so many years, I don’t think it’s really sunk in yet that it’s gone. But regardless, we will rebuild even better, remaining the place of healing that the city needs.”

Who in Hathian is your inspiration and why?

Hayden: “Anyone who works in a field where they risk their own lives and safety to help others. Those people are true inspirations, and we need more people like that.”

Rach: “After so many years, it would be difficult to choose a single inspiration. Anyone who is able to navigate this place and maintain their sense of self – they are the ones to look up to.”

As well as their own comments, can I just point out the fantastic $100k donation that came from Hayden’s businesses according to Hathian Civil Services / The Pawn Shop. Amazing work!

Dropping The Beats & The Booty

Hathian likes to party and what better ways to party than with one of our hottest DJs, DJ Poppy! DJ Poppy, otherwise known as Glenn Rose Moriaty, can often be found at the Euphoria nightclub spinning the decks. We received a beautiful public nomination for her that you can read below:

“I’d love to nominate Glenn Rose Moriarty (DJ Poppy) for Miss Hathian. She’s one of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever met, she’s so warm and giving and she deserves recognition, as well as of course her work DJing most of Hathian’s parties! She works tirelessly to ensure so many of Hathian’s events go off without a hitch, and she’s an incredible person and friend. I can think of no better woman to be nominated”

Siha Xu

The Observer caught up with DJ Poppy as she was getting ready to host yet another event. We asked her our usual questions and her responses are super cute.

  • How does being nominated make you feel?
  • How has the recent HGH incident affected you and what do you think about it?
  • Who in Hathian is your inspiration and why?

DJ Poppy “I mean, am I getting punked? Is there a camera crew hiding in the bushes? Surely I’m being pranked? Shock and disbelief aside – I am honoured and thankful to have been nominated! I’m not really sure why – but it means the world! Definitely makes me feel a little good. So, to whoever it was that nominated me – thank you! I’m grateful.”

DJ Poppy: “Oh babes, the whole HGH situation was NOT the vibe. Highkey bombaclaat shit. People I love and care about were needlessly hurt and likely won’t ever be the same. All I can really do is lend a helping hand where I can and hope that with time, they’ll heal. I also want to commend Hathian Civil Services and The 24/7 Pawn Shop for all the work and effort they’ve been putting in to help the victims affected by the incident.”

DJ Poppy: “I’m inspired by the women in my life. They’ve all taught me valuable lessons that I like to think has shaped me into the person I am today. Shout out to women, because they are absolutely fantastic.”

We hope that DJ Poppy loves reading the nomination from Siha!

Officer, Baker & Mother

The Observer was wondering when HPD would feature in the nominations. Our contributor Carly Cocks clearly feels there isn’t a good representation of Hathian but we’d argue that one officer (the later nomination seen of Porkins doesn’t really count surely?) is underrepresenting HPD in terms of volume of boots on the streets. Anyway…

Officer Lizette Doge received two nominations. The Observer is pleased to reproduce them below, anonymously as requested. In the interests of disclosure though we can state that neither is from Landon Fyre.

Lizette’s First Nomination

Lizette’s Second Nomination:

“This nomination is for Lizzette Doge, a strong independent woman who has shown her love and dedication for the people of Hathian. She has been a level head in the chaos when it came to the riots, fires and crimes our city faces. She is a wonderful mother from the posts that she shares online and a wonderful friend to those around her. I believe that she is a great person to nominate as she embodies Miss Hathian.”


The Observer put the fact she had received nominations to Lizette and she was very humble. Her answers to our standard competition questions can be seen below:

Lizette: “I was nominated? Who in the world would nominate me? I’m flattered and quite shocked I was nominated. For the HGH incident, it floored me. I can’t even imagine the evil in someone to do a thing like that. I’m heartbroken over the ones who were badly injured or lost their lives. As for my inspiration The one who is my inspiration is an easy one. Lieutenant Landon Fyre. He’s saved my life so many times I have lost count. Not only is he my partner in the HPD, but he’s my best friend. I trust him fully, and he inspires me to devote my time to defending the innocent people of the city. To protect and serve.”

Well, despite not being nominated, Landon must surely be pleased to scoop his second “role model” mention.

The Flying (in) Doctor

Photo provided by the Doctor

We are lucky to have many dedicated health professionals in Hathian and as we understand it Dr. Dru Moonwall-Lambert is one of them who has recently dedicated her time to helping with all the work arising out of the HGH tragedy. Here’s a little about the doctor from the anonymous nomination we received:

“Dr, Dru Moonwall-Lambert, a Biloxi Mississippi native and former attending at DEMH is a published and world renown trauma surgeon, who has returned from Paris to care for her aging father.
Lifelong friends with fellow Dr. Syreni Gloom she has returned to Hathian to assist in the aftermath of the gruesome hospital explosion. Taking charge and making sure patients are well taken care of this 48 year old mother and cancer survivor has no plans on retiring anytime soon. In her heyday she was considered a pillar of the community in a community known as ‘Dead End’ and was one half of one of the cities most notorious power couples.”

Well this one sounds very much like a promotional advert! We’re always open to advertising in our newspaper and if Dr. Dru’s nominator wants to write a few ad copies for us, do reach out. Nice work! As with our other nominees we caught up over e-mail with the good Dr.

How does being nominated make you feel?

Dr. Moonwall-Lambert: “Honoured, for one and truly humbled as well. This city has that real deep south bayou magic and it just jazzs your soul and invigorates you. To be nominated makes me feel like I have been welcomed in with open arms by the lifelong citizens, residents and even newcomers such as myself.”

How has the recent HGH incident affected you and what do you think about it?

Dr. Moonwall-Lambert: “I was actually in the process of retiring. I returned to Mississippi from Paris to care for my aging father I was visiting my dear friend Syrena Gloom when I read about it in the paper. I still have my medical license so I rushed over to the FEMA medical tents and immediate started seeing patients. I haven’t had much time to think about it but I guess I would say that as Doctors, Nurses, lab technician and even the housekeeping staff we work hard to take care of the citizens and stitch them up so they can live to stab each other another day. For them to blow it up is sort of a slap in the face and really puts things into perspective. They don’t care about us or even the first responders who lay down their lives to protect them. But we must adhere to the Hippocratic oath, and we will always do as such.”

Who in Hathian is your inspiration and why?”

Dr. Moonwall-Lambert: “My inspiration is Syrena Gloom, she has been my best friend for 20 years, we met at interns at DEMH and completed our residency together, we worked side by side as trauma surgeons in the ER, she saw most of the SA victims while I took care of mostly stab wounds. Since I am new in town, I am actually staying with her until I find my own place. But with my fathers health problems I often find myself traveling back to Biloxi on my days off to care for him and manage the casino empire.”

Well, even a newcomer (returner?) to the City can do good very quickly! Best of luck Doctor both for this competition and more importantly keeping things good in Hathian with your skills (And retiring at 48? Damn…)

The Officer At The Counter And His Lover

Well, let’s end this batch of nominations with a big bang. It’s not often that HPD Officer Porkins Jr. ((Currently assumed to be an NPC)) gets into the paper, and pictures of the ever-present but strangely office-based Officer are rare, but digging into our archives we were able to find his photo without having to bother the good officer behind his favourite HPD counter. The (anonymous) nomination we received stated that:

“I would like to nominate Valentia Cakes and HPD Officer Porkins Jr. for Mr. and Miss Hathian. Not many know the pair are currently dating and madly in love. Seeing them fills me with hope for the future. Valentia is fluffy and beautiful, truly talented in the kitchen, cooking up delights to coax the world to the darkside of obesity. Meanwhile, Porkins is all about serving and protecting. And not just out on the streets! He saves everyone at HPD from getting fat by stealing all of their donuts! Such bravery and dedication. I would totally go after Porkins myself, but I know Valentia has all of his heart.”


The Observer was unable to catch Val prior to publishing to get her side to the story, but what an amazing love story it is. We look forward to maybe getting a bit more detail in our final article where we announce the event.

So What Next?

Well, the Observer is still working out the details with various parties and potential venues, but it looks like a little award show and party will be planned. We hope to give you further details in due course and how you, Hathian Citizen, can influence the winner(s) of these coveted titles. Stay tuned!

Good luck everyone!

The Observer Team

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