Month In Review – May 2024

6 mins read

By: Daiyu Tang – ‘The Girl Behind the Lens’

Well, here we go again dear Hathian Reader. I’m back in Hathian! It’s gone *really* well so far and other than suffering ringing ears due to an explosion outside HPD due to a late tip that there *might* be a bomb there, which exploded as I arrived, I feel *fantastic*. Thanks tipsters, time your tips so I arrive in time to be exploded along with everyone else. Go you.

Anyway, we’ll cover that in a different article. For now, it’s time for a Month In Review where we showcase a few of the articles from May that we hope you didn’t miss. For those interested in seeing a digest of some of the top stories, you can checkout our Year in Review for 2023 the January 2024, February 20224, March 2024 and April 2024 Months In Review.

In May 2024 we had 24 main articles published… Rogue journalists, Rogue Firefighters, Murders and Intrigue. Pretty ‘normal’ apparently. Anyway, here are your Editor’s top three for this month as well as honourable mentions!

Honourable Mentions

The Observer gained a new ‘staff member’ in the form of Andy Fabers. What with the KSB not managing (see Number 2) to disassociate bad things from a day job, we do wonder how this will go, but so far Andy has done great work in the style of Johnnie Walker…

Other articles worth a mention include another ‘journalist’ (suspended!) who went on a rather odd crime spree. If this had been the only crime in Hathian, it would have been kinda sad… So well done, you didn’t just do this, no… across Hathian you got into Bank Robberies, Murder of Students, and of course weird cult stuff.

There was a lot of new business in Hathian as well, with the delivery and wholesale service of Flamin’ Cajun being a particular highlight.

Number 3 – Golden Balls

Down at Columtreal, the University Volleyball team the ‘CU Ballbusters’ took Gold in their division. Team Captain Maya gave an inspiring after win speech and overall the squad of Maya, Sam, Rachel ‘Rageslut’ Wesson and others did an amazing job to lift the gold.

Number 2 – Fire Chief Dale Murders Cop

We should also include the funeral itself of Officer Bolo. With death at every door in Hathian it was still shocking that the well respected (now former) FDH Chief Dale Warrhol would use an ambulance by all accounts to run over and murder an HPD officer. With Warrhol’s King Street Bone credentials now fully ‘let out’ it was a sad day for both the HPD, the Officer’s family and also those of us (myself included) who clearly incorrectly hoped that gang ‘duty’ and lifesaving DUTY could be kept apart.

Joint Number 1 – Hathian Against Corruption HAC

Not quite in the same ‘Weird Cult Camp’ as the Pueri Noctis Group (see Honourable Mentions) the HAC never-the-less appeared with a list of demands against HPD and according to reliable sources a whole heap of torture and crime themselves. While these details have not yet been exposed in the Observer, rest assured we’re not a one-side newspaper. With additional details (and names) will come further work… HAC or CAH (Criminals Against Hathian)… time and investigative work will tell!

Joint Number 1 – Tori (‘Buttercup’) & Her Girls (and Crimes)

The Observer was recently made aware that a Comic Event that Tori Hosted may have exploded. We’ll have to try and cover this in June. However before then the Observer profiled the Yuugen and some of their crimes, listing out their known members and trying to understand what had caused them to contribute to the death of a girl in some twisted revenge story between the Rejects and the Yuugen. Despite their leader Tori showing a trace of sympathy and humanity, the door was swiftly shut (after being literally kicked open) when her Powerpuff Girls came to the Observer to demand their money. A quick photoshop later and their Comic Legend was born.

And that was all for April dear readers! Many thanks to Viv, Zofia, Carrie and others for their work, and thank you to anonymous citizen journalists as well. You are doing great work!

As always, catch a reporter in CU, Hathian or Backwaters (we visit as required!) to give us your stories, tips or other information! You can find our profiles here (and it’s not a dating page!)

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