Masked in Anonymity – Maximus Aumailley

My name is Maximus, commander of the masseurs of the Rub N' Tug General of the body-to-body secret technique and loyal servant to the the one (cock) ring.

9 mins read

By: Maja

Hello once more to those MIA!

Today’s article won’t have any sort of educational message, in part because I’m hoping that will stop Daiyu from shuttering the article that the people need to hear. So instead of a long winded intro I will be getting straight into it.

Today we will be focusing on a long standing piece of Hathian history, a local Hathian legend, ‘The Madame of Hathian herself’, (sorry Blue!) Azélie ‘Max’ Aumailley! Who we will refer to as ‘Max’ for this article for the sake of brevity and not because the idea of copy pasting that é in her name is tiring at all! (ALT+130 – educate yourself. – Ed).

Many of you know her for her distinctive accent and inflections. Max is a native speaker of Kouri-Vini a sadly dying language native to our own Louisiana. Max is of course well known to be short for “Maximillian” and it’s obvious it’s a name from her long standing love and obsession with the popular Yu-Gi-Oh villain “Maximillian Pegasus”. Why Max would chose to name herself after a sophisticated yet incredibly effeminate and flamboyant character that uses their charm to lure people into their den to extract what they want is beyond me.

Obviously many of you are regular visitors to Max (looking at you Emeric/Corbin LaSalle) and her establishment. While some of you know this place as just a nice local massage parlour others know it for another reason, after all its called very unsubtly called ‘The Rub and Tug’.

Cutting to the Chase

So it should come as no surprise for me to say that: Max is a whore. There we go that’s out the way, and I don’t mean this as a disparagement against the woman’s profession by any means at all. Times are hard and we understand this, so we here at the Observer (Maja’s personal rant corner – Ed) say “You go milk that Corbin Cock and get that bread girl.”

When I say Max is a whore, I mean a real “I have ‘grateful for the opportunity’ tattooed on both my thighs” type of whore. That’s not meant as rude, but just as a statement of fact. In the same way I can mention Stanley as our great and powerful leader here at the Observer. Alas… I said the intro wouldn’t be long winded yet here we are anyways, so lets cut directly to the chase, Max works closely with cocks and their rings.

No no no no. Not THOSE kind of cocks or rings! Get your mind out of the sewers and back into the usual street level of nasty that is so uniquely Hathian. When I say ‘Cock Ring’, I of course mean specifically the fighting kind. And no, don’t take it to the gross image of you sickos imagining Corbin fighting people off with his meat sword. (No really – I salute you if you did think that perverted). Anyway, it was not what I meant at all. I mean literally traditional cock fighting, with the wings, the feathers and all the scratching and biting traditionally associated with it. Cocks, the official Motto of France and Max probably speaks French as well. Therefore another feather in her cap of liking cocks.

Anyway, Max has been quietly breeding Cocks and running these Cock fighting rings for many a year in Hathian without anyone stopping her. Recently I understand she joined with her best friend / lover / bouncer /possible VooDoo (whoodo? Shedoo) Victim Paige / Vain, a long standing force of aggression on our streets. I have to say that it does come as a surprise that two so openly raging man haters could handle so much cock without someone noticing. But now I did. So all good. Yes, thank me Hathian. I spotted cock gobblers so you don’t have to.

Anyway, now while Max does keep the chickens in good health, making sure they are fed, kept clean, and generally looked after to the point some may even say she loves to pamper Cocks with plenty of affection, the end result is still the same, two Cocks battling it out for supremacy all for Max’s pleasure… and profit.

Max organises these bouts as a way to increase her own cash flow, profiting off the backs of these poor hard worked cocks. As is typical for cock rings, there is betting on which cock will win, but to those looking to bet on these fights, let it be know that Max takes a substantial cut of the profits each time its hosted. Although one hopes they would not continue after such a powerful expose (ALT+130 – Ed), it would not be unlike HPD to cock it up and let the cocks fly the coop.

So I’m sure many of you don’t care or are indifferent about Max and her cocks. Thanks for bearing with me then. And you’re likely assuming its just the odd cock Max enjoys dealing with but no, I’ve heard that Max’s ring can take many shapes depending on her mood. One person I met who went to the fight testified that Max’s Ring can “Take 2 then 4 all the way to 10 cocks all at once with ease”. While this contributor is impressed that Max’s ring can handle so much cock, many obviously ask what happens to the unfortunate birds that fail to live up to expectations? For those dear readers might I suggest the animated documentary “Chicken Run” which should help give an idea. Max is Mrs. Tweedy! Although Max’s ability to handle Cock meat does bring into question how good an advertisement for eating “Madame Max’s Louisianian pie” would be.

Despite what Daiyu may call me (Yes I read the other articles because I’m POLITE), and her refusing to accept a genuine gift of appreciation from one talented writer to another, and Mollie getting my name wrong on her Twatter, (talk about Maya who?) the only sort of hack I am, is a hack saw getting to the bones of the uncovered truths in our city.

Remember as always, the truth lies Masked in Anonymity.

This is Maja, signing off!

You can read the rest of Maja’s ‘writings’: HEREHEREHEREHEREHEREHEREHERE and HERE and if you really want to read about Simon’s spank bank, HERE.

Editorial Note: The Hathian Observer while accepting of gossip as part of keeping Hathian entertained and potentially finding new stories wishes it to be noted that staff health insurance doesn’t cover anonymous freelancers who refuse to disclose their real name. Also for a far more balanced article with Max, where someone doesn’t disparage her, make cock comments or otherwise be rude, you can read our writing HERE.

((Maja is a player. Posted with OOC consent))

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