Mr & Miss Hathian – The EVENT –

Friday 11th August 2023, 1PM SLT at the Hathian Museum & Galleries

10 mins read

Dear readers, you read the final batch (almost, see below for a few changes!) and our previous two sets (1 & 2) and this gives you our final competitors! As a reminder, if you didn’t hear about this before you can also read the initial announcement (and despite our request, we didn’t seem to get any Yuugen nominations! Yay?)

Our Event

The Observer is delighted to collaborate with the Hathian Museum & Galleries (Just at the border of Delphine and Black Bottom, taxis here) to host the event on Friday 11th August 1pm SLT when our judges will announce the winners! Come and listen to the amazingly good music from one of our nominees, DJ Poppy and then hear who has lifted the Miss Hathian and Mr Hathian crown. We understand our co-sponsor Landon Fyre will be there to hand over his (Mr and Miss???) crowns.

We bring you these words from Landon, prior to reminding you of the short-list:

“I want to thank Carly Cox for her kind words and support for Mr and Miss Hathian 2023.

The people of Hathian demanded an inclusive event, we listened, and welcomed nominations for everyone. The public response has been phenomenal, this year is unquestionably the largest, fiercest and most diverse the competition has ever been for Hathian’s most coveted titles.

In 2022, when I was released from prison, I struggled with civilian life and the company of women. As with many in my situation, I resorted to the services of street walkers and I still thank those ladies of the night for their patience. Women aren’t built for prison sex, it took me a while to adapt and moderate my methods. Without these fair ladies offering their guidance, I would likely be back in prison.

Carly Cox, I appreciate your speaking up for the services provided by the town’s sex workers. And to everyone else, we appreciate your nominations whether they were first responders, strippers, store clerks, eccentrics or vagrants. Everyone matters.”

Landon Fyre

Representing The MEN

  • He’s tall, dark and mysterious (and the Observer didn’t manage to get a direct interview with him) – Masao! ((Not included in photo above as not contacted player for this))
  • Known to be one of the shooters (of photos!) around town, he has memorialised much of the recent HGH siege and provided official photos to many – John Childermass ((DarkStalker Darkfold))
  • Putting out the fire in your heart and starting one (in some people’s loins) it’s the Chief of the Hathian Fire Department Dale Warrhol
  • Need to talk to someone? Need to talk to someone qualified to actually help you? Speak to our next nominee; Dr. Alexandr Romanov!
  • Like a bit of salt and pepper in your men? Need to date a daddy, but have one who looks Tom Cruise chiselled? Spurs Seattle is your man (and yours and yours – and yes we see you as well Why Verdandi…)
  • CUPD needs the good (because HPD has the bad and the ugly), it’s Officer Liam Exley, the original Yorkshire man bringing the good approach to campus policing!
  • Corbin LaSalle – Young, good looking, likes mother figures in his life… jealously pursued by Val in her quest to rob Why’s nest. Will this young heartthrob be your Mr Hathian?
  • Need a pint? Need a generous donation to good causes? Like $100k worth? Hayden O’Shea is your man. A legitimate businessman with a heart (bank account) of gold
  • And last but not least, Officer Porkins (Jr). He’ll take your cash, he’ll take your items, he’ll even take you food in jail. What more do you want?

We also had one final nomination to include. He’s tall… he’s possibly seriously in need of talking to Dr. Romanov, but boy is he buff. It’s Dr. Simon LeMarchand. Nominated anonymously but accompanied by some pretty hot photos, we reproduce these below. Now, the good doctor has been in the news recently for some bad things, but everyone gets another chance and during the HGH Destruction he was interviewed and provided useful insight.

Representing The WOMEN

And now we turn to the stunning ladies representing Hathian…

  • She’s not quite ‘Mother of Dragons’ (but is of a gorgeous little one), but if you get on her wrong side she’ll roast you (and block you); Why Verdandi for Miss Hathian!
  • Annika has been raising money for the rebuild of HGH and without her and Why, we’d not be seeing over $300k raised across the City. She’s a Pawn Star!
  • If someone can turn a new leaf (probably) and represent themself as someone new without all that fancy arm baggage, then Zairah is your lady!
  • Our editor Daiyu due to being involved with voting isn’t in the running to win, but she’s too shallow not to want to still be featured in the picture wall! (You’re FIRED!)
  • Caw, or should that be Cor! It’s Lucy. Whether she’s starring in beautiful photos or finding all the shiny things to adorn herself with, she’s a model who keeps on giving. Who needs a murder, just one will do!
  • Mother, Baker and all round tough cop, Lizette is ready to stuff you with cake or with lead. She’s out there protecting the streets (and causing Twitter drama to pass the time!). Go Liz; multitask it to victory!
  • Cheyenne, aka CJ has shown her courage and gone into the fire to try and save our town. Where would we be without the FDH? We’d be burnt, but still not as hot as CJ!
  • When the going gets tough and the tough get injured then Emily is going to be there to patch you up. Skating to the next crisis on, this skater-girl can even put together a broken heart!
  • DJ Poppy is a star power name across Hathian, doing what she can to put the beats into everyone and unlike HPD, you’ll leave with a smile, not a black eye. Will she lift another trophy?
  • Rachell has been in Hathian keeping people, patched up and well for many years. Like many of our nominees she went the extra mile with our community and has made a great impression on many. Can she impress our judge to get the win?
  • When you want something a bit different, when you want to try something new, then Val is there for you. Has anyone dated Porkins before? No! She’s full of firsts (and seconds…)
  • Dr. Dru came back to Hathian and immediately got stuck into the work of clearing up the HGH wounded. She could have kicked it back and taken it easy, but you can’t stop a good doctor.

Finally, we have one late nomination as well. Welcome last (but by no means least) Eliza Latour. Our nomination stated that:

“The work Eliza has done with Hathian’s disadvantaged youths is nothing short of impressive. It takes patience and dedication to work with troubled youths, I know this because I was one.

I, Landon Fyre, am nominating Eliza for Miss Hathian 2023, for the excellent work she has done managing the Seaside School, and hosting their community and fund raising events. Many of Hathian’s youths will be spared juvenile detention, prison terms, and bleak prospects for the future, thanks to the school and its excellent staff. If such facilities were available to me in my youth, when ADHD and dyslexia weren’t well understood, I may never have gone to prison. I invite everyone to donate to the Seaside School and show your support for their staff.”

Landon’s nomination

Well readers, hope you enjoyed that and look forward to seeing you on the 11th August 1pm SLT onwards!

((With apologies for anyone missed or any updates over the last few weeks missed. Also all photo credits as per the original articles!))

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Campus Attacks – Students Warned –

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HPD: Hathian Propaganda Department

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