An Eye For An Eye - Makes The Whole World Blind

By: Daiyu Tang

((Note the image here would have the most gruesome part filtered out – but for the sake of the wonderful artwork that it is – unaltered OOCly!))

A bidding war has erupted on the Dark Web where the Hathian Police Department (‘HPD’) appear to have lost one of their own to some almost unbelievable bidding process that is encouraging violence, torture, depravity and quite possibly death against one Officer Carter Ellis.

Ellis, often featured in this paper on the receiving end of accusations of police brutality appears to have been recently taken and in short order appears to have suffered a grievous wound that without medical attention looks to be a threat to his life.

I, Daiyu Tang, wish to personally reiterate (for myself and the Observer’s staff) that violence, murder and kidnapping is not justified. I hate, I hurt and wish for others to suffer incarceration and deprivation of liberty, but through justice. My beliefs are not represented in anyone being tortured this way.

With HPD cruising the streets looking for leads and with the apparent perpetrators identified according to HPD as the ‘Hathian Against Corruptiongrouping of Jack and Oksana it appears that while the net is closing, it has not yet snapped shut and every minute brings more risk to the officer.

Accounts on the Dark Web are posting suggestions even as we go live with this story, encouraging brutality…

“Pigeon: Just kill his ass.

“RussianNestingSkull: 2″ box nails in gums above and between teeth. $100 (in BC) per nail…”

Doing Better

Hathian, we must do better. I understand that the urge to punish those that hurt us is strong and I respect that some of you feel that in this system only strength and punishment can act as a deterrence, but this is a fallacy. You, none of you are the ‘top dog’ in Hathian. We are all vulnerable at some time… and the more we create paths that cross and hurt others, the more those paths will come back to us.

I don’t have a solution and I regret if I thought Hathian Against Corruption had it… If Jack, you or Oksana read this, remember what I said, what I thought. Monsters may be able to fight Monsters, but yet, they still are monsters. Who are we going to turn to? It’s hard for the civilians of this city to know anymore…

The Observer offers $2,000 for the return of Ellis to HPD. It’s the only way before this goes too far.

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Hathian’s Essential Workers

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Carter Ellis – “I Am a Testosterone Fuelled Rapist” (and Also ‘RIP’)

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