Guest article by: Yua Matsumoto
Prostitution is one of the most dangerous professions in the country with a death rate of 204 out of every 100,000. So, when a recently printed advice column brazenly advertised that hookers, streetwalkers and back alley cutthroats gather together for safety in numbers, it can appear to be a reasonable concept.
While ‘safety in numbers’ is a common practice for many prey animals in the wild, rarely do those weak creatures openly taunt and provoke their predators.
This open call to prostitutes and other degenerates to gather together, with the name and place made painfully obvious, is an open mockery of the honourable men and women of the local law enforcement. It suggests that the police have no power to put a stop to the sex trade in this city, despite knowing exactly where to look.
The HPD are a strong collection of devoted guardians sworn to protect the virtue of the innocent in this city. The very idea that a motley collection of tramps and trollops might be able to withstand the authority of the law is going to get a lot of people hurt. This advertisement should be pulled, for the safety of others.
– Yua
The Editor Responds: While I have sympathy for the views expressed regarding the danger to adult workers and I do concur that a public ad does seem rather risky, I cannot agree to the entire ‘devoted guardian’ angle or that adult workers are tramps and trollops. It’s complex. Also, need I remind Hathian of devoted basements. The views in this (and the ad from our contributor Carly) are not the views of the editor! Will Carly or HPD respond? And is Yua ok? It was just a day or two since she escaped HGH…