Dispensers for Columtreal University

1 min read

by Zofia Lewandowska

You may recall my last article and public letter from Deman Turner, the famous anarchist and activist and professor in Columtreal university.

It hasn’t been a week since I received another letter. This time from Estelle Brianna who is a feminist.

I was asked to post it, and since I am the one to whom the letter is addressed, I have included my official reaction and response.

You can make your own picture on it, but for God’s sake? Why do they dwell on such silly little things like anarchism and feminism and not focus on something more important for the world like saving animal lives and spreading vegetarianism?

Yes, I know you may be feeling this question too, my dear readers and supporters! But please be patient and considerate.

The Letter From Miss Estelle

Here is the letter as we received it:

Reaction From University Clinic

Because I’m the head of the university clinic and the letter was addressed to me and my clinic. I took advantage of this and prepared a reply and decided to publish it as well. It’s only fair and you, our readers, can see for yourself how the university clinic cares for patients.

Here is the letter as I wrote it. Official response:

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