Hathian Against Corruption – Part 2

4 mins read

By: Observer Staff

On May 17th, our editor Daiyu Tang announced the potential emergence of a ‘Good Guy Group’ who titled themselves HAC – ‘Hathian Against Corruption’. Subsequently, as promised in their original manifesto which the Observer carried HERE.

We’re not sure they’re completely a ‘Good Guy Group’, but until HPD presents evidence to the contrary then having now met Anna and Richard, the leads, we found them to be reasonable people, not withstanding the veiled (or not so veiled) threats against HPD. Exposing corruption is one thing, taking the law into your own hands though? Slippery slope.

Let’s hear what the HAC have been up to then…

Dear Observer,

As a first expose by Hathian Against Corruption, we have obtained footage within the Hathian Police Department.

These photographs present storage facilities reserved for direly needed food banks re-purposed into torture cells. One cell in particular, cell 4B, contains illegal chemicals and blood covered utensils used for the torturing of inmates. What is more, a car battery with clips to electrocute people was also photographed, meaning that officers undertaking the torture are skilled and sadists.

There is an estimated 30% of Hathian’s citizens who rely off food banks across the city. The goods provided by the public are often contained by the HPD, but for these highly valuable spaces to have been reconstructed into make-shift torture chambers is inexcusable and a slap in the face to the many citizens starving.

This is the first of a series of reports, with much of our evidence already captured, that will be used to expose The Hathian Police Department.

Why are we doing this?

Hathian Against Corruption (HAC) is a grassroots movement of silent activists whose goal is to expose the crimes of the Hathian Police Department. We do not call for violence want to raise awareness and create a common public sentiment demanding change in the way that HPD is run. Our demands are as follows:

  • A public apology from Julian Heckler, outlining a clear reasoning why The Hathian Police Department has been operating in such a manner under his watch
  • A public statement from those officers named in the manifesto, bar those who are dead
  • Sweeping reforms of the running of the Department, including limitations of officers rights to firearms
  • A full inventory of instruments found within the torture chambers, to be sold at auction toward the NPC charity, Femicide International, a fund working toward the protection of women worldwide from sexual abuse

Well… Here in the Observer, we’re not entirely sure that the HPD is meant to be a custodian of food banks… That part doesn’t make much sense. So, while these photos are evidence of something, whether they are from within the HPD is not a fact.

We look forward to obtaining a comment from the Hathian PD and perhaps seeing if the PD would open up this ‘4B’ to an inspection by the Observer and our forensic lead from the University. We can help get to the bottom of this.

Within Hathian, the HPD are the only ones at the end of 911, so while a long history of corruption is evidence in their ‘management’ of this city, some citizens prefer to look the other way in return for knowing there’s a last resort. Still, with the FDH chief murdering an officer; who can we really trust in this city? Certainly the Observer.

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