HPD – Hoppers Want Quicker Action

Lucas 'quickie' Hopper

1 min read

The Observer received the following letter from Lucas Hopper, who asked that we carry the following message in our letters pages. We’ve read it and we’re not entirely sure what is going on, but since Lucas has been a good… sport… to the Observer, including inviting us to his wedding a while back, we’ve carried it in full.

If any HPD officer is reading, it appears that you should go sort out his problems so that his ‘mating life’ can be better. Any takers!?

A Hopper Writes

In addition to the letter above, Lucas enclosed the following two images for us to include. The Observer understands the first is an image of the man he believes HPD should be looking for (the title image) and the second, well it also appears that Lucas doesn’t quite understand how business cards should work. You advertise your business, not your proclivities… illegal ones.

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