By: Daiyu Tang
The Observer was alerted that on the 4th March 2024, some time in the morning that a fatal altercation occurred near Bourbon as it ends at the seafront. Our witness, a working lady in the local area was on the look out for customers and was initially disappointed to see a young man make his way towards a blonde woman, skinny, a bit ‘ill looking’, standing near the pier.
Our witness, perhaps hoping that the man bounced off this potential competitor back to her, moved a little closer. What is reported below are snippets that she recalled and in the interests of disclosure, the Observer did pay her a small fee for this story; so we caution readers to take it as complete gospel. Our investigations however do support the general outcome; a woman murdered a young man in cold blood down by the pier before fleeing, dropping the murder weapon at the scene for HPD to find.
Our witness reported some conversation between the two, but it appeared from their perspective that it wasn’t long before a weapon was in the hands of the woman, although for a moment perhaps the man who the Observer doesn’t recognise was oblivious to it.
“Please! I just need some directions!”
John Doe
When it appeared that the woman did not react positively, our witness reports she made a stabbing motion with the knife. The man for a second didn’t seem to understand he’d been stabbed but it pretty soon became clear.
John Doe
Even though it appeared that the man had posed no threat and was now profusely bleeding, the woman attacked him again, stabbing further. He tried to crawl away but the woman stabbed him again and this appeared to be the fatal blow.
Our witness, hardened by working in Hathian was never-the-less at this point considering a 911 call and leaving the scene. She said it was disgusting, brutal and would give the street an even worse name. She advised us however that another woman appeared and called 911 and thus, seeing as how HPD are, she left the scene after shooting a quick photo for ‘keeps’, which is reproduced in our title ((with graphical wounds blood blurred)).
The Observer believes that despite the woman being blonde that there is a potential suspect, widely known to the Police. Our witness describes the woman who broadly matches who we consider a likely suspect for the crime and combined with the nature of the stabbing we believe we may have identified the perpetrator already. There are other potential suspects, but we understand that HPD are investigating and that CCTV may be being obtained, or forensic evidence from the knife.
What the Observer can say is that Hathian has recently been full of rabbits, (protests outside HPD for example), but in this case, this Rabbit is more metaphysical and attached to a corporal body that to many would be considered female, small, ill looking and as we note, very dangerous.