Hathian Citizens awoke recently to that rare event; snowfall. While the snow itself seems to be only sticking in a few places, the general cold snap, weather and the undeniable slush on the sidewalks, roads and parks shows that this winter, may well be a time for snowmen. We also can probably assume there are deeper drifts and parts around the place, not yet discovered.
Our reporters investigated Twitter as well as checking in with our weather team at WKRD to bring you a few festive snaps below.
“Is that…. IS THAT SNOW? My brother in Christ is that SNOW in MY Louisiana? Say it ain’t so. That’s right citizens, we’ve gotten snow, sludge and ice galore! Don’t eat the yellow snow behind Lous… seriously. It’s time to hit up your local thrift shop and grab a coat and bundle up, because HELL has frozen over. Be careful out there and watch your step, that black ice is especially treacherous.”
WKRD in Hathian
Wrap up warm, have hot chocolate and make sure to enjoy the season!
((For those in CD Citizens Group be sure to grab your free ‘frosty breath add-on’ from a Group notice!))