STORM UPDATE: Electricity Supply Damaged, Intermittent Power to Hathian, CU and Backwaters

Conserve, ration and protect your supplies.

2 mins read

Here at the Observer we’re used to flickering lights (or sometimes very bright lights courtesy of fire), but it seems that everyone is beginning to see problems. For the last four hours or so, the grid has been unreliable with businesses that have on-site alternatives such as generators potentially having to use them to plug the gap from the grid. While this isn’t ice-cream weather, we hope that the various morgues, civic services such as FDH, HPD and the CUPD have sufficient backups in case the outages continue.

For those of us unluckily without an alternative power arrangements (and the Observer again warns that most consumer generators are not safe to use in the wet / rain / storm conditions we have now, nor should they be used inside for the carbon monoxide risks) the offer of shelter at the FDH, the CU Gymnasium or potentially other strong buildings.

The Office of the Mayor has asked us to draw your attention to the CDC guidance “When the Power Goes Out” and in particular:

  • The warnings on medicine, in particular those that require refrigeration (link above)
  • Safe drinking water guidance
  • The warnings around how to power your home if there is a loss of a grid connection (link)
Our editor getting ready for interviews around town about power issues and struggling hard with the wind.

Utility Update: When Can Power Be Expected to Stabilise?

When we reached a representation of the Hathian grid we were informed that Hathian (and surrounding areas) should expect continued intermittent loss of power due to power lines being downed or substations being flooded. In the event of a direct or glancing hit from the main body of the storm it is likely that power may be out for longer.

“You want power if there is a damn Hurricane? In Hathian? You’ll be lucky if we can keep any power on over the next week if this gets worse!”

Hathian Grid anonymous employee
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