Statement From HPD: Anastasia’s Murder

When Is A Crow Not A Murder(er)? When it's Ms. Lehane

1 min read

The Hathian Police Department wishes to inform the public that, following a thorough investigation and review of the CSI reports, it has been determined that the fingerprints found at the scene of Officer Anastasia Bryukhanov’s murder do not match those of Ms. Alice Lehane.

We hereby exonerate Ms. Lehane of all charges related to this case.

The Hathian Police Department extends a sincere apology to Ms. Lehane for any distress or inconvenience this situation may have caused her.

We are committed to ensuring justice and fairness in our investigative processes and will continue to pursue all leads to find the true perpetrator of this heinous crime.

We would appreciate the community’s patience and support as we work to resolve this matter.

Contact: Public Relations Office, Hathian Police Department, Detective Sergeant Atsuko Nakayama

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