Lucy - the duchess at the Fight Night
Lucy at the FIght Night - photo credit John ((Darkstalker Darkfold))

Guest Columnist – The Duchess

On a bare branch a crow is perched - autumn evening

2 mins read

Readers, Daiyu-Tang here with a rather unexpected, but pleasing outcome. Lucy, aka, ‘the Duchess‘ on Twitter ‘borrowed’ from me some camera equipment a while back in March during that Fight Night that had been organised in the town (the one where as I understand Landon got beaten down by Eleri).

Having spotted Lucy in her eyrie at the event, my colleague John had snapped a photo and then after she’d jumped down she and I had a discussion about her signing up as a freelancer. Having then ‘given’ her my camera and instructions how to use it, I’d almost thought her desire to write had evaporated and perhaps reader, I had gone to check the pawn shop from time to time to see if my camera was there.

I needn’t have worried! She pulled through, on the condition that subject to not breaching (our admitedly lax) editorial policies, what she wanted to write would be published, with our readers (that’s you!) deciding on how well she had done by papers sold, clicks on the website and so on. No pressure then Lucy!

Lucy Writes:

Lucy with a selfie shot
Lucy – self photo

So this is me! Look at my owl, isn’t it cute?

Lucy Standing outside somewhere
Lucy – on tour

And this is the best place in Hathian! Smiles every day!

Lucy outside Rader records
Lucy – on Tour

And this is like the worst place in Hathian. If you can’t tell that’s Rader Records!

A dumpster that is meant to reference Epsi
Lucy – with Espi

And this is an aesthetic photo that reminds me of my old friend Espi. Trash.

And these are cakes. Everyone loves cake.

Ok. Thanks Reporter Lady. I’m done!

Our sub-editor concludes

Readers, Daiyu here again… Well. Well… Wel… It’s a nice photo essay that’s bound to be somewhat controversial. However, a promise is a promise and readers, we commend into your mobile device, computer or print edition Lucy’s guest thoughts. Should there be any… controversy about them, then I suggest that she might be able to be reached at her ‘favourite place’ if you know what/where it is!


Tweet from Lucy
Maybe the camera can be returned now?
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