A Comedy of Errors

AKA - Drink Safe / Drink Aware

4 mins read
Cosmo and Delphine prior to their drunk posting
Image from Cosmo's Twitter (C) - Cosmo

Dear readers,

Daiyu Tang here with gossip, melodrama and probably a good old slice of reporting on drunk people who should know better, but well… it’s a slow news day and there’s only so many times you can tell Hathian that Tori is a sociopath (1 2 3 & 4) before you need a filler story.

Also, just for the record I am not CU Gossip Girl, but it’s a free world, I can do some gossip on slow days. Right, anyway…

“I’m a noble woman, who likes nothing more than partying with the right person, and enjoying all of what life has to offer.”

Delphine Laveau aka ‘The Baroness’

It took me a little while to reactivate an old Tinder profile and then search, but eventually I got there and the photo in the header of this article matched one on Delphine’s Twitter. Anyway, it’s a good quote isn’t it? Slightly different, but appealing and if you were on Tinder you might stop, well, especially if Fangs were your thing (works for me). Anyway, the fact there’s a paragraph about being friends with Jesus that follows only slightly raises red alarm flags.

Why is Delphine’s Tinder important? Well last night I was witness to probably one of the greatest drunk-posting streams from her and Cosmo Warrhol who seemed to go the gamut from ‘yay party’ to ‘let’s get married’ to ‘where can we get rings’ and so on. It was probably in the top five drunk post-a-thons that I’ve ever witnessed and when followed up with one simple message to me unbidden the next morning from one of the parties it just simply had to be featured here.

Message received loud and clear! Not followed 😀

To be honest readers, it’s quite hard to unpick the thread as at points it turned into a Twitter bomb with Delphine especially posting to *everyone* she could… I’ve also seen Cosmo start to delete his tweets… BOO. Waybackmachine engaged! YAY!

“weree sober 1000$%”


As any drinker knows, having to say you’re 1000% sober is not a good sign. Then having to have family members weigh in on the Twitter back and forth about marriage… Next level..

“He’s my brother and i know him and i know this ain’t right. It aint fuckin love no”

Sam Warrhol-Kelly

And then, of course, we have classics such as nicknames and potential phone destruct moments.

I love you Delphine bug something I throw my phone like this because you


So really, what’s the point of highlighting this? Well… other than gently poke fun at couples who seem cute, it’s that having *that* much to drink, such that you propose marriage, try and wake up family to officiate a wedding ceremony and generally cause laughter all over Twitter is probably a cue… what cue you ask Readers?

Drink sensibly!

That’s right… everything in proper in moderation! Don’t become prey on Twitter, or worse on the Streets as it doesn’t take much for things to get out of hand. Anyone remember Officer Ludwig or how about the flashing couple?

Anyway, this message was totally *not* sponsored by CU Campus Police and the ‘Safer Neighbourhood’ programme, but if it was, they would also advise you that they have a jail cell on campus for indecent behaviour and HPD? That would be much worse…

Until next time readers!


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