Hathian Museum & Galleries – Fashion Show & Photography Competition

4 mins read
Hathian Museum & Galleries

Dear readers, there’s always time for a competition and event around Hathian and when combined with the official opening of a new business in town, it’s a good thing right? That’s what I am going to write about today, trying to keep it short, sharp and snappy; which is a good thing since part of this is about a photo competition!

Self-Interest declaration here readers first though – I’m a consultant at the business we’re going to feature in this article. This means I won’t be writing an official business review here with a score, but if in the future if a reader wants to do this, go ahead, we’ll publish what you think, but I might just have to work my PR charms on you if you don’t like it though!

Hathian Museum & Galleries

Located on the border of Delphine and Black Bottom, the Museum & Galleries sit within sight of many of the University’s businesses and entertainment venue, including Club Aurora, the CU Newspaper, CU Clinic and Sports Hall, etc. This area is really growing, with the influx of University Money not quite a ‘flood’ but certainly a little contrast to the centre of the town itself.

The Museum & Galleries at Night

The museum features a wide range attractions for those in Hathian looking for something a little different. This includes:

  • A café serving hot and cold food, gelato alongside a small gift-shop
  • Multiple galleries for art, curiosities and objects that reflect the local history. Citizens who have a particular item or memento of what makes Hathian unique should consider submitting it to the museum for display ((Submit photos or objects or notecards to Daiyu or other M&G staff for display!))
  • A small library focusing on art and photography
  • A classroom for art, drawing and modelling
  • A stage area for live events, including music, fashion shows or other events, with the venue available for hire
  • Outside landscaped gardens, picnic tables and seating
Gallery space on the ground floor

Competition & Fashion Show

The Museum & Galleries are delighted to tell the Observer about a joint event that will be hosted on the 31st March, 2023 from 1pm (or so) onwards to around 4pm:

  • Get your costume on – come to the Galleries in your best Steampunk or, if you prefer, Vintage outfit.
    • The best costume will win a prize!
    • ((If you are interested in being a judge please reach out on Twitter or in SL))
  • Submit your creativity – submit your photographs ((SL texture preferred, or via Twitter to Daiyu) and they will be displayed in the venue for everyone to see, where the best photo across the categories below will win a prize!
    • Portrait Photo of an individual
    • Landscape Photo of Hathian or surrounding areas
The stage for the fashion show

Final thoughts

So, I hope you can join the Museum & Gallery staff on the 31st March and my Observer colleagues and I look forward to snapping some new photos of all the amazing costumes you likely have tucked away! In the interim, I am sure that the venue, which is now in soft-open, would welcome visitors and, if any of you have material to submit to storage or display, they’d be very happy to get them!

((Hope to see you there! Judges, material submissions etc, all welcome!))

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