Spring is upon us, and as temperatures start to warm, so does Hathian’s annual political race. Over the course of the next week, candidates from across financial and social spectrum will battle for the votes of Hathian citizens, for the chance to help shape the city through the government.
Voting will be open for two days beginning Monday March 20th, with polling stations available at the Hathian Police Department’s Lobby, Columtreal University’s gym, and the Civil Services lobby ((located just south of the landing point from the OOC skybox)). Stay tuned to the Observer and WKRK for interviews, updates about rallies, and debates to attend!
Mayoral Candidates:
Simona Annaloro (angelic.wonder)
Robert “Bobby” Boxer
Fiona Milton (fionamilton.resident)
Shaun Weaver (kuruptd.resident)
Council Candidates:
Aizlynne Argeneau (aizlynne.resident)
Tex Duke (nils.ellsmere)
Charis Lemoine (tallulah.birdsong)
Cat Mason
Heather Ray (caileighjewel.resident)
Tusila Sameltra (citlalmina.resident)
((Further OOC information available on the forums!))