HATHIAN – While we all wallow in the generalized poverty induced by the national recession and last year’s disastrous hurricane and gas explosion, many suffer more than others. Many live day by day, meal by meal. Hope is sparse for us all, but hope is sparsest for that many. They are like us. They have families, they have friends, but they are just going through tougher times than we are. I speak of those amongst us without a place to sleep, without a roof over their heads: I speak of Hathian’s homeless. With the cost of housing quite high, there seems to be little hope for them.
However, City Hall means to change that.
They have passed a new measure that may help this desperate minority. In unanimous vote, they approved a new public and affordable housing initiative. Amongst other things, this initiative calls for a budgetary allowance that would go towards the construction, repairing, and maintenance of the city’s public and affordable housing system. The public housing of our city has long been in dire need of such a boost in funding. Most of the city’s “affordable” housing is in incomplete or in disrepair. Even these ramshackle establishments are far too few to house all those in need.
This infusion of cash means hope for Hathian’s Public Housing and those in need. A house means stability. It’s a stability many of us take for granted. In a poll, conducted by our apparently reputable sources, 90 % of those without a home indulge in frequent use of alcohol and/or drugs. 75 % of women without homes have reported being used sexually. Only 10 % have said such sexual contact was consensual and 85 % of those who were consenting received cash for those sexual acts. Also, according to our probably accurate poll, those numbers are “significantly” lower for those with a roof over their heads. It’s a tough world out on the streets. They need options. This initiative seems to provide those options.
City Hall has awarded the contract to oversee and manage the repairs and construction to one Paulie Gambino. He declined an interview, but stated that he was “excited” about getting started on this massive far-reaching project. He and his crew plan to start working this Friday, August 17 on the long neglected housing project located at the corner of Hathian Highway and Battle. He also mentioned in his statement that he needs extra hands to help on site and encouraged anyone who has interest in such work to swing by the work site.
((OOC: Starting this Friday, I hope to get some of my crew out there. Look for us. Also, anyone interested in joining the crew please contact me in world: IM Paulie Broek. Same goes for anyone wishing to research more about this City Hall measure, the story was intentionally a little biased.))