Doctor Cleans up at Gein Burger

1 min read

Paul Carr, physician at the Hathian General Hospital, shocked a crowd of onlookers when he downed the famous Gein Goliath, which is equal to 24 regular cheese burgers, and five milkshakes in an hour and 52 minutes on October 6th.

“That man was downing those burgers and shakes like it was going to be the last meal he ever ate,” says Greenlee Morrisey, one of the spectators. “It was disgusting to watch and I had to avert my eyes more than a few times.”

With a sip of his milkshake, he ate the last piece of the Goliath, being the third to attempt and the first to defeat the beast, and comically said, “Could I get a second?”

“Part of me still doesn’t believe he did it,” says Valena Dowe, manager of Gein Burger. “After the last two people that tried, I expected him to toss it all up on the table.”

Bets and pledges were taken, all the money going to the Hathian Cancer Trust, which gained another $9,000 because of the event.

He walked away with a free meal, a congratulatory t-shirt, and a $25 gift card to Got Head? for completing the challenge, and will have his picture put on the Gein Gladiator wall of fame.

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