Corpse found by XXX Shop

1 min read

In the early hours of Thursday September 20th a panicked phone call was made to the HPD… the disturbingly bloodied body of Declan McLoughlin was found in the alley next to the XXX shop.

McLoughlin was 22 years old at his time of death and was in the country on a Student Visa. McLoughlin hails from Dublin, Ireland. He was attending Columtreal University part time, majoring in Art while working part time as a Tattooist at the Poison Apple Tattoo Parlour.

The body had been stabbed nine times with an ice pick which was recovered at the scene. The corpse was then taken to Hathian General Hospita for autopsy by Jessi Noel & Kraus Sigmand of the Hathian Fire Department, where doctors determined the victim died from blood loss.

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