Hello! Merry Christmas… Happy Hannukah – Happy Kwansa / Happy New Years to all the MIA Fans… I know that’s nearly all of you!
As I’m almost certain you are used to our intros by now, I’m sure that it will come as a shock, delightful surprise or otherwise just a general delight to inform you that I will in fact be switching things up this time! This MIA article will be used very differently than the others. I have always felt MIA was a tool for good but perhaps in previous articles (including the one on Carters tool) they have taken the shape of a hammer, designed to bash you over the head with the truth until even the most stubborn and obstinate of you are forced to see.
Today however, will be different! A hammer will just not cut the mustard today folks as today’s article will focus on Alice Crow and to a lesser extent ‘Rabbit’. I’m sure she needs no long drawn out introduction. All of you know Alice or at least have heard of her (almost certainly with all the types of prejudice, violence, and unfairness) through multiple articles unfairly characterising Alice as anything but what she really is, a victim.
As I said in the introduction Alice is already well know for her actions, no one can possibly deny them. But in talking to the average Hathinaite (Not a word – Ed) I found almost no one who really knows the why of Alice. What set her on this pathway of loss and self destruction. We often find it all to simple and easy to not think about those not in sight in our society, but apparently even if they turn up to protests in a snow plow, which even the most ill trained of psyche students could classify it as a cry for help, no one does nothing.
MIA articles so far written have focused more on the BBL butts, metal man meat, and a man with a topknot like an overgrown fly who secretly works for the law. However, those were exposé’s for their misdeeds and lies, this is a defence. I will not be excusing her actions, or dismissing them, the usual phrase is “mental health is not your fault, but it is your responsibility” after all.
All About her Ills
Alice is a paranoid schizophrenic. For any of you that don’t know this means she have periods of hallucinations and delusions. For Alice this takes the form of ‘Rabbit’, who Alice treats as the spirit of her dead twin brother. Rabbit has been a ever present part of Alice’s damaged and fractured psyche, like any damage it makes itself more known sometimes than others. I have had many conversations with Alice that show she can be healthy if given the right support and attention. As you will learn throughout this article, what Alice has been through would break near enough anyone, push them to embrace what lies beyond, and yet here Alice is, still trying to survive despite it all.

Alice’s life did not start well, born premature due to complications that led to the death of her twin brother. Adopted at the age of five after an attempted murder by her own mother, then adopted by Hathian’s own Britta Lexington.
But this is where the trail starts to go cold… My digging showed that Alice only appeared again at the age of 14 for the murder of her long time school bully. Apparently she smashed the bully’s head in with a baseball bat. Again I’m left asking why? Why were there no adults that helped her? Why did no one look after or protect Alice during these most formative years of her life? Why did she feel that violence was her only resort? I am left only with the (para)phrase “violence is the language of the unheard” ringing in my ears.
Editor’s Comment
This article is already making me sick and while the last few have also been nothing much more than gossip and salacious lies wrapped up in a veneer of truth, this is beyond the pale. Either Maja is in the pocket of Alice, or Alice has some hold over her, possibly violently (knowing her history).
Newspapers should present, where possible, both sides to every story and, where possible, provide fact based evidence and opinion when needed to inform readers. Let me, without, much more words provide evidence and then let Maja continue their ‘story’, surely spouting more platitudes of someone who should be locked up, with psychiatric help. All these apologists for a multiple murderer and all these enablers who allow and facilitate chaos and destruction are not helping. Help comes in many forms and an out-of-state secure facility would be the right way to proceed. But no… Simon, other enablers and cronies like to have a pocket psychopath. Disprove that Maja you hack.
Alice Attacking Police / Alice Surrounded by Body Parts / HGH Boss Defends Murderer / Alice Murders a Student / Alice Surrounded by MORE Body Parts / and those are just the tip of the iceberg and some of the ones we know
All her enablers. How convenient to preach ‘tolerance’ and ‘help’ and yet do nothing of the sort except create victims.

Maja Continues
Alice then spent time in the American juvenile prison system, infamous for its poor focus on rehabilitation and mental health care, where seemingly even more adults failed Alice. Since then you can find old articles painting a picture of Alice’s continual crimes and calls for help (And Recent – Ed). These cries would continually go unanswered for years. She met a man called Dion, a leader of a cannibal cult. Alice with no support and no one looking out for her was an easy target, Her abuse, enslavement, torture and rape by Dion occurred for years with barely a soul batting an eyelid. And after all, many of you have said it yourselves, she’s “broken” a “problem” someone to be ignored because she “can’t be saved” so why bother right?
Poor mental health however, doesn’t arise from nothing. It is a cancer, it has triggers, things that feed it and make it grow, it becoming ever more consuming as the person beneath wastes, and just like a cancer it can be treated. Which is why I cannot express a greater appreciation for those that do attempt to care for Alice, Dr LeMarchand and Dr Leblanc’s continual defence of her is nothing short of exemplary, despite continual calls for her to be removed, Dr LeMarchand has rightly stood firm in his defence of Alice, refusing to let her become yet another statistic in the appalling high rates of unemployment and homelessness of those suffering with schizophrenia. (Oh Maja, how you’ve changed – Dr. Spunk Tank is now ‘exemplary’ – Ed)
I talked earlier about the phrase ‘mental health is not your fault, but it is your responsibility‘“‘ I hate that adage. It has a uniquely American style of dismissive individualism that ignores those who truly and utterly need help from those around us. It implies that you must suffer alone, that your burdens are yours alone to bear even if they crush you beneath their weight. Its complete rot. Alice fundamentally cannot help it, any semblance of normality, stability and safety is routinely ripped from her or slowly beaten down by those who cannot see the person in pain behind the disease.
It is your responsibility to reach out to those suffering because all of us tell ourselves “its not my fault things are the way they are” and yet…
Nothing ever changes.
This is Maja signing off.
Archive of older Alice ‘Shenanigans’ that Maja submitted from an old town where she plied her ‘trade’