The Decline of Class: Where Have All the Underworld Gentlemen & Ladies Gone?

5 mins read

By: Katy Kantry

Recently, this writer experienced a young drug dealer selling coke on the street corner right outside of Lous’ as if she were selling hotdogs from a street cart.  She was brazenly shouting out a deal of 2 for 1 without a care for any repercussions, which made this writer wonder: Where have all the criminals with class gone?

There once was a time when a different sort of criminal used to rule these streets.  They didn’t flaunt their wealth, post their crimes on social media, or dress like they just walked out of a rap video. Their power came from back room deals, whispers in the dark, and influence that stretched into the very heart of the city without needing a spotlight. 

The criminals of the past welded their anonymity like a finely honed weapon. You never knew who was waiting for you in the dark and that’s what made them even more terrifying. They weren’t wearing patches or colours to shout to the world who they were, instead they were the types you might pass on the street and never suspect. They were in tailored suits and spoke with eloquence, speaking softly and carrying a big stick.  They never bragged or shouted about their crimes and their reputations were known only by those who needed to know. The true movers and shakers of Hathian’s underworld operated with a certain level of class, conducting business with purpose and minimal chaos. If you crossed them, you wouldn’t see it coming. That was the point.  But it seems these days the way of the sophisticated criminal is a thing of the past.

A Shift

In recent years, we have seen a huge shift in Hathian’s underworld, giving birth to this new breed of criminal.  Loud, flashy, and more concerned with image than strategy.  The criminals on our street today look more like TikTok rappers than shadowy figures lurking in the city’s alleys. As for suits? Instead of suits, we see sagging jeans, gold chains, and gaudy tattoos. Guns are waved in public, flashy cars are revved down our streets, and criminal empires are built not on cunning but more on who can get the most Instagram likes. It’s a far cry from the days when respect was earned behind closed doors and instead, today’s crimes are broadcast all over social media and turn criminals into social media superstars. 

The changes in the criminal element are seen on our streets everyday with violent turf wars no longer about maintaining control but instead more about personal beefs and ego bruising.  Crime is no longer a whispered secret in Hathian’s back alleys, instead it’s a show, with each player trying to outdo the other in spectacle only to boost their own ego and maintain their social image.  Long gone are the days when criminals operated like unseen chess players, pulling strings behind the scenes, knowing that their success depended on discretion. Today, it seems that for many, the real victory lies in the chaos itself and making headlines or showing off in front of a camera.  (Let’s not complain all that much – Ed)

With these changes to our city’s criminal elements, we’ve lost the since of danger that once made Hathian’s criminal world so compelling.   It once had a sense of mystery, a game of cat and mouse where the players’ true identities were never fully known. In the hands of today’s social media gangsters, the city’s criminal underworld has become as shallow as the viral fame they chase. Whether this trend will continue remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure… the days of the classy criminal are behind us. And Hathian is now home to a much louder, far less subtle breed of lawbreakers. The question is, how long can a criminal empire built on flash and noise last before it burns out?

Only time and the next social media post, will tell.

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