By: Daiyu Tang
Look dear readers, we really do appreciate all the extra readership this current dispute between Hathian Against Corruption ‘HAC’ and the HPD (and their allies) is causing, but in some cases we do have to sigh. Many people in Hathian are smart, some more than they let on… So when an article calling for the arrest of the HPD’s Krystal O’Neil is submitted by HAC, it doesn’t take a genius to work out that while the sentiment might be what they wish (her arrest) the fancy court and wigs and gowns is ancillary trapping to appeal to the wider public – don’t subscribe to watching O’Neil being burned at the stake NOW… don’t worry, you will be able to justify it after a ‘Trial’.
In any case, it almost pains me to say that our last ANGRY HPD (anonymous) writer has come back swinging. Here.We.Go.Again…
Someone in HPD Writes

Fellow Citizens,
It would be remiss of any citizen to not warn their fellow human being of the nature of the actual law. I do this so that any easily influenced and misguided individual who may be intending to act on the latest article from the group called HAC is forewarned that such actions being called for are:
- Illegal and;
- Illegal
- I know points 1 and 2 are identical, but they are such good points they are worth pointing out TWICE.
At this point HAC might pick up their little books, look at the cover and then proclaim citizens arrests are “Legal”.
While this is true technically, in actuality it’s not as simple as the writers of the article are stating… Let me explain. While they urge people to “Pick up books” I will remind citizens it is not as simple as “Picking up a book and looking at the pretty pictures, one must read the book too”…
As the Observer once again failed to provide vital commentary as to the legality of this action… (Not our place to comment on legality, but we did say we didn’t agree with it – Ed) Here are the basics. Anyone acting on HAC’s plea should familiarize themselves with these!
- 1: The subject of the citizens arrest must be handed over to the local police department who will then take custody of the arrested subject. TLDR: You have to hand them over to the police. Not HAC.
- 2: The people performing the arrest must sign the paperwork that the local police department will issue. TLDR: You can’t anonymously arrest people.
- 3: If using force to detain the subject, you maybe charged with Assault, Battery, Kidnapping . TLDR: You lay a hand on them. You’re libel
- 4: If Steps 1 and 2 are not followed the arrest will be deemed illegal.
- 5: If an official court (not a fake pretend kangaroo court) finds the arrest illegal the people responsible for the arrest can be found liable for both civil and criminal charges on top of those outlined above. TLDR: Its going to take your money and freedom away if the subject is delivered to a HAC court. (And presumably if you send Krystal back to HPD… – Ed)
Now to put in terms even the editor of this publication can understand (Strike one – Ed). It would be akin to a police officer placing the editor under arrest and delivering her to Yuugen to face trial for perceived crimes. (HPD works with the Yuugen? – Ed)
Do remember to point out HAC is not a state appointed legal body. Just as the Yuugen are not. Naughty editor. (Stike 2 – Ed) If it wouldn’t be legal for a police officer to do that, you can be damn sure it’s not legal for a citizen to deliver the head of the police force to HAC. Do we have an understanding on definitions of legal and illegal… perhaps it would be prudent in the future to point out these things. (I think I’ll let you point them out, it’s more entertaining -Ed)
On HAC Itself
I personally do not believe HAC to be a pressure group, or a terrorist organization. I see them as an amateur snuff porn production company. They are building a viral marketing campaign in order to build their audience, and I find the Observer is complicit in this campaign, either willingly or unwillingly. The Observer was asked to stop providing air time for HAC’s little audience baiting, but has again given HAC free press and encouraged citizens to break the law without warning them of the potentially life altering penalties that will arise. (We told them we didn’t think it was a good idea – Ed)
With HAC assuring them that such actions are perfectly legitimate. No where in the United States Of America are such actions HAC described (Kidnapping any one and delivering them to a fake court for judgement).
Despite their grandstanding and claims of rocking the foundations and bringing about a constitutional crisis, they are simply scum that profit from suffering and one can speculate that the “Cops Fetish” isn’t the only fetish they indulge in. We’ve all heard about girls kidnapped from local campuses and treated in much the same way. Perhaps this is the work of another torture porn studio, or more likely it is the very same organization that are using the HATE AGAINST COPS (let’s call it what it is) brand for this particular fetish against cops.
Where is the proof? Well! In the pages of this publication HAC were exposed asking for BIDS for particular tortures. HAC took credit for being the people to have captured and tortured Officer (Robo)Carter in this very publication. HAC have memories like goldfish, asking for us to prove that claim when they CONFESSED to it. They were screenshotted torturing for profit and they claimed responsibility for MetalCarters’ capture and torture, again in this publication.
HAC Claims on Police Torture
Now Hate Against Cops definitely has a financial motivation behind these captures. The previous article showed a full mock up of a court room set. So HAC can fabricate scenes of real world locations. It can source costumes, sets, props and asks you to believe their footage is –really– from HPD cells and not entirely fabricated in house? They could potentially use deep fake technology to replicate anyone they wanted to…
So now you know that HAC is both a production company indulging in nasty snuff porn… do you still believe their claims?
- Who is next in HAC’s sights?
- Maybe they want to shoot a set of rescue workers abusing a victim in the back of an ambulance.
- Or whatever devious thing that they can fabricate next.
- HAC builds sets.
- HAC Acquires costumes
- HAC Acquires props.
- As these court room photos show clearly!
- Knowing these details, Is it entirely unreasonable to expect that their stories and their photos and their videos and their witness statements are also fabrications? Not at all. In fact it is more reasonable to believe than someone had smuggled in video surveillance and cameras into a non-existent area!
- What else can HAC conjure from thin air? Victim statements? Photographs, Videos, anything they like. They have already played their hand and revealed they like to -create- non-existent scenes. Why should we believe a word they say?
- HAC can create whatever reality it chooses to display with props, sets, costumes, make up, actors and scripts… but ultimately its as fake as the tits on the “Prosecutor”
- And when the interest for the municipality’s wanes… its back to HAC productions kidnapping college girls isn’t it?
Well dear reader, colour me educated on the legalities of a movement that has tortured people telling people to arrest others. One would think that our HPD author above would understand that HAC treats people as adults… if anyone actually believes taking Krystal to HAC court is legal, they need help, but for those who needed an excuse, or for those who believe that HPD is the biggest gang in Hathian, it gives air cover to illegal actions.
As the Observer was at pains to point out last time, we do not support violence against Officers or members of the public. Justice is best served independently and serious accusations (which the Observer believes are not fake either way) should be tested by a Jury. Whether that happens in Hathian or not, is another question. Kidnapping Krystal is a bad idea, but so is accepting a broken status quo. I met someone yesterday who I would not have expected to sway me in different views, but eloquently to their fashion, they made a strong case for turf and this is our turf. Pick your sides, because as the Mayor’s ill-conceived Tourism video shows… someone will pick one for you if you don’t.
Girl Behind the Lens – Daiyu Tang