Open Letter to Mayor Bobby Boxer

2 mins read

By: FDH Captain Nathan ‘Nate’ Ferrer

Mr. Mayor,

The last thing any FDH crew member would have appreciated so shortly after one of our valiant crew members was murdered is a rack full of umbrellas and exploding cupcakes. This tasteless stunt shows just how out of touch you are with not just the municipal workers who work tirelessly for this city but also with just plain common decency and sense.

As Captain of the FDH, I would challenge Mayor Boxer to a week filled of taking up jobs in every sector in this city. Monday, work at the Gein. Tuesday, come right here to the FDH. Wednesday, go and experience HPD. Thursday, clean tabs and wait on patrons at Lous. Friday, slide down a pole and shake some ass at the TT.

The weekend won’t be a picnic either if Mayor Boxer parks his fat ass in the Motel Master Bates Inn, between crack addicts crying and hookers screaming while getting beaten, I think he’ll realize pretty quickly what he needs to get to work on.

I hope for better days and change as well being a part of change that I’m trying to work on bringing to the city along with my crew at the FDH under our hard-working Chief Pentewyn who has always steered us right. We know too, that the city has a lot of people who are working tirelessly to make it run and they too are at risk sometimes because of the violence and crime that they have to face.

Right now, the easiest thing to change right now would be a crooked, out of touch Mayor who is not up to the task of running a city.

~ Captain Nathan ‘Nate’ Ferrer.

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