The Court of the Public

5 mins read

By: ‘Hathian Against Corruption’

Dear Citizens,

Two major institutions reign over Hathian with their sworn duties to serve and protect us; the people. These are the infamous Hathian Police Department and the Office of the Mayor and Hathian Civil Services…

In recent weeks we have seen them crack under the slight pressure of the community calling them out for their actions that actively reject what they are meant to stand for.

We all know that politicians and law makers are corrupt, and both institutions have worked tirelessly over the generations to create systematic oppression to benefit themselves. Many who have walked through Hathian have seen the increased security and heavily armed soldiers who are actively waiting to attack citizens at random.

This, my friends, is the power of the self-righteousness and self-absorbed, and this two-dimensional mentality is a symptom of those who believe they are untouchable. Their only interest is to brown-nose their ways to the top of the (soon to be) burning pyre of their institutions. Let’s call them as they are. Gangs. The reason why we are not allowed to call them as that is because of the aforementioned systematic oppression.

Man appears at top of food chain, man has guns and support from the government, man sits safely in his ivory tower while we, the delinquents, are tarnished as monsters.

Again, let’s reference the Ouroboros. The word that was only first mentioned when Hathian Against Corruption uncovered HPD’s torture rooms.

Why instil this word only when someone calls out the aggressor? This is systematic of a media influenced by powerful institutions. But let’s question one thing, whose venomous mouth started this ouroboros? Was is the girl committing a petty crime, forced to steal because of the lack of support from the institution? Or was it the officer who raped and maimed them in the secret basement of HPD?

We have seen, time and time again, with proof straight from the belly of the beast itself, that Hathian Police Department is packed with officers of ego, who care to serve their own insatiable appetite for sexual assault. But who is to blame for this? Seeing as Heckler has been failing to govern his squadron, everyone, including the opportunist pseudo-fascist Krystal O’Neil, has decided that they are suitable to reign free over us.

This is why HAC was created, to call out this disorganization and call for a reform that keeps the people in mind. Anyone who has read O’Neil’s statement as a citizen of Hathian should be fraught with anger, fear and disgust. For someone this unhinged to even suggest a coup d’etat is dangerous, not only for our democracy, but for the safety of our civilians.

Would-be Dictator Fascist

For the reasons above, and concluding the evidence provided by HAC, we proposal an immediate a public court to question Krystal and the other unhinged officers plaguing Hathian Police Department. Either she must come willingly to stop this madness, or we shall call for a Citizens Arrest.

HAC will not stop until Krystal and all her merry men of philanderers and delinquents show signs of humanitarian progress, or else they hang like their predecessors in Piazzale Loreto. We are all HAC. People, do not bend to the pressure of the establishment. It’s time to take it into our own hands.

Editor’s Note: HAC are implicated in the tit-for-tat war between their collective and the Hathian Police Department. Accused of torture against officers and the apparent murder and trafficking of officers this Group has resorted to the most violent means to advance their point. They fight ‘fire’ with ‘fire’, yet preach for something else. Citizens are requested to consider carefully whether there is a ‘right’ in this situation at all.

As Editor I must sometimes publish fuel even if the fire is already large. This is because either I am directed to do, or because on balance the need for citizens to hear what is going on on their streets is great. Thus, in this instance, absent the awful pictures and so on from earlier articles, I am content to let this opinion piece stand (and if required fall) by itself. May I also add that the use of what appears to the Vipers logo cut into pieces, was HAC’s own choosing – Daiyu Tang (Editrix)

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