We Remember

“To us is given the honour of striking a blow for freedom which will live in history and in the better days that lie ahead men will speak with pride of our doings.”

Today marks the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings where Allied Forces staged the largest seaborne invasion ever undertaken in the World and through planning, bravery, courage, sacrifice and luck established their beachheads in Occupied France. Via Sword, Juno, Utah, Omaha and Gold these brave men, supported by many many more across all the horrible theatres of the Second World War started the beginning of the end of Nazi Germany’s empire.

We give thanks to those who gave everything, including their lives, so that we can live freely. Long may we look back with pride, admiration and respect for their doings.

Daiyu Tang

“On this day, June the sixth, eighty years ago, one hundred and fifty thousand men and woman undertook a grand task. To take the first steps in the liberation or Europe. On this day, four thousand of those people died. Another nine thousand were wounded. All of the survivors were scarred by what they saw. With all the troubles in our towns and cities, I think it only right and fitting that we take a moment to reflect on what these people achieved and what they sacrificed and think of how we can be better and do better, that we can honour all they fought for”

Oungan Mankus

We at the Observer hope that for a moment, all can pause from their own personal struggles and remember that despite what we suffer now, there are those that have come before who suffered greatly so that we might not.

Ave Atque Vale

For those interested in lighting a candle, a temporary memorial has been setup outside the Bait Shop in Laveau.

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