CU Student Murdered

The Storm Isn't Over?

2 mins read

By: Zofia Lewandowska

This story is one that is really not easy to write about. But The Observer and I need to do this for her. Memories of good people must remain even after they are gone.

Readers may remember the article about the talented student Odette and her dangerous story of being kidnapped and then rescued by her friends.

I hoped, with my friends, that everything would end happily, that she had escaped the horrors back to her student life. A happily ever after, like in the fairy tales. We had saved our kidnapped friends; evil lost and good triumphed. That would have been wonderful and great.

Unfortunately we are not in a fairy tale, this is Hathian, a really harsh life and we have woken up to this raw reality too many days.

Our condolences to Odette’s family and friends. The talented student and good friend was found dead hanging by her neck next to the hangar at the old Laveau airport. She was visibly tortured and had lost all her limbs. I, along with others, pray for her soul and wish the sheriff best luck in finding out who did this before sending them to burn in hell (Jail – Ed).

Odette, you will live in our hearts forever.

Most of the photos are too drastic and both Daiyu and I had trouble not passing out on the crime scene. I’m also not posting any information about the investigation, but if you saw anything suspicious near the airfield, please contact the Sheriff in Backwaters.

This image: OOC screen, approved by the typist
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