Come Out, Come Out…

3 mins read

By: Daiyu Tang

The Hathian Observer has recently discovered that the criminal known as ‘V’ who was behind the kidnapping of multiple students and citizens and the murder of at least one of them has returned to the Hathian or Laveau area.

“Join us, or you and your friends will end as a food for crows. If you want to see your lovely Odette and say her goodbye. Visit backwaters old airfield”

A text from what we presume to be V incriminating herself over Odette’s murder

In addition, there is a connection, somehow between this V and Baba, the suspended (Oh I wish I could fire him…) journalist from the Observer with rumours suggesting he was trying to sell Observer laptops stolen from the office to V to assist her with revenge against some of us who frustrated her plans. Maybe he hoped that the laptop contents would have addresses or other contact details.

We approached the Laveau Sheriff Department with evidence of our concerns and Detective Derryth put out the following statement:

Manhunt Declared By Laveau Sheriff’s Department

With the recent student murder in Laveau, we have been left with no option to declare a manhunt against an organization that recently hit the radar for abduction and human experimentation by the name of “Raincoat”.

They have now escalated this to murder after their operation was recently disrupted though given the nature of this murder of a CU student, it may be possible that the cultists we recently dealt with were an offshoot of the Raincoat organization. The disruption of the cult front may well have forced Raincoat to the surface, which is why we are only just now learning more about them.

The main face of the organization is “V” and it is this woman that is now the main focus of the investigation and manhunt. She is considered to be armed and extremely dangerous and should be engaged only with extreme caution.

A photo from Raincoat cameras is attached.

I am channelling all of my own resources to the apprehension of this suspect. I would like to state that at this point, dead or alive is optional, though I would prefer alive so we can extract information about the rest of the organization.

Our sympathies go out to the family and friends of the victim. Rest assured, justice will be done and I would urge anyone with any information to come forward anonymously.

The Observer thanks the LSD for their commitment to crime fighting and we urge V and Baba to surrender to them. It seems perhaps a way of keeping the ‘alive’ in ‘dead or alive’, which is surely in their best interests!

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