HPD Knows

5 mins read

By: Zofia Lewandowska

As you may know from the Observer‘s recent article or perhaps more generally if you live around Bourbon St. or frequent it, the situation over there is tense. Gangs fighting each other, accusations of racial attacks leading to innocent workers getting in the firing line and worse; a ex-dean trying to step up into the big league (and inserting inappropriate handouts into our print runs!)

As if that weren’t enough, the Observer has found out about a group of citizens planning protests against violence against women which they intend to hold in front of the police station! These citizens are concerned about the methods used by the police, so they have decided to show their concerns in public with a demonstration. (The history of Hathian is littered with broken dreams (and tear gas cannisters) of protest against HPD – Ed)

I couldn’t let it go and wated to investigate because I knew you, our readers, might be interested in knowing if the police knew and what they planned to do to protect innocent citizens during the protest. I also wanted to find out how they would keep Bourbon Street and all of Hathian safe for us and our children! (Never take your kids to Bourbon -Ed)

Yes, readers, it is our job to inform you, which is why I went to the police station to ask how they interpret the motto protect and serve!

At the Station

I arrived at the station and was lucky enough to meet Officer Lee next to what was probably a broken vending machine. He offered to help me, although he wasn’t happy about it at first when I mentioned that I worked for the press. I know, people get nervous when we’re around, and they might have questions. But I can assure you all that we don’t bite!

Lets cut the cheese (chase – Ed) and ask HPD about the situation!

Zofia “Bourbon Street. Do the police know about the Bourbon Street gang war? The Rejects versus the Harlots, and maybe other gangs are involved? What are you gonna do about it? How are you going to ensure security at this location?”

Lee “We know about gang wars, of course. The police know everything that goes on in this city. They’ll be dealt with as they always are.”

I had a weird feeling about it and Lee said something off the record that made me nervous. It was like the police were happy to see gangs killing each other. But what if innocent people are at risk?

I can’t comment more, I know that the work of police officers is hard and dangerous. They risks their lives. So hopefully things will improve and you, readers, can make up your own mind about the situation and the actions of all parties involved.

Officer Lee

Zofia “Thank you for your reply. I hope the police will protect innocent citizens. Officer Lee, my next question is… Are you aware of the protests planned for this weekend? It seems that some citizens are concerned about police methods and excessive use of violence, especially against women. Are the police planning any changes in this regard?”

When I asked this question, Lee was visibly irritated and I was worried he wouldn’t answer. But then he responded like a professional.

Lee “We will ensure that the protest does not get out of hand and endanger innocent people and businesses.”

Officer Lee

Then I took some photos and we ended the meeting because another person came to report a crime. Yes, that’s why we have police, to fight crime.


I don’t want to be accused of pessimism and negative thinking, but my feeling was that gang warfare is not a big issue for HPD and I would be really careful about protesting and not provoking the authorities or it could go south really fast, as it has several times.

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