Halloween Slasher Spotted

1 min read

Rather than Halloween, it was actually July 25th when a masked man wearing a mask in the design of Michael Myers was spotted prowling the streets of Hathian. Our own reporter John Childermass was in the Hathian Observer offices when the masked man tried to break down the door.

The man sported tattoos visible at his neck and his sleeves, but our CCTV isn’t clear enough to identify him further. If you know the identity of this mystery slasher all tips gratefully received at the Observer!

By the time our reporter was able to call 911 and a dispatcher had got their act together, the masked man moved on somewhere else, presumably to attempt an easier target.

The Observer has sought comment from the Hathian Police Department (‘HPD’) as to whether they were able to locate and arrest the man. This article will be update if such a comment is received.

After speaking to one local expert, the Observer has had it suggested to our staff that the masked man is none other than Charlie Bundy, what do you think readers? Eyes and tattoos were the giveaway to our expert…

Charlie outside the Pawn Shop (Photo by Daiyu Tang)

((Main Photo credit DarkStalker Darkfold))

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