Tour of Hathian Businesses – 24 Hour Pawn

5 mins read

Interview with Shaun Weaver, Owner of the 24 Hour Pawn Shop here in Hathian

“So Shaun, how old are you?”

Shaun – “Twenty-four, and I been living in this town for damn near every year of my life.”

“Young for a store owner. Not that you look older mind you, just thought you might be older than you look”

Shaun – “Aye, it’s fine. I know what you meant. If you knew half the story of my life, you’d probably think I’m about twice as old that I am.”

“How long have you owned the pawn shop for? And why did you choose to come into ownership of it?”

Shaun – “I’d say about two months ago is when I took ownership.. before then, it belonged to my Aunt. I wanted to keep it in the family and had been working hard to turn the place around for the better part of the past year, and she wanted to sell the place. It just seemed right.”

“How long has it been in the family’s ownership then? Were you working for your aunt there before you took it over?

Shaun – “Couldn’t tell you, honestly. I don’t think she owned it long before I started working. Came in as an entry level employee somewhere around a year ago at the Pawn, and then worked up to management after a couple weeks.”

“Your Aunt retired then I assume? And you naturally took over at that point?”

Shaun – “Nah, I don’t think she retired. Just couldn’t really handle running the place, so I ended up actually buying it off her. Toward the end, I was running the place while she did little more than keep the lights on anyway.”

“So any changes to the place in particular you have made since taking full ownership?”

Shaun – “Nothing that I hadn’t already changed. While a manager, I brought in the option for people to take out cash loans..but other than that, the only thing I done is clear the business of illicit activity that may have been taking place before. It’s a Pawn Shop, and that’s how it’ll stay as long that it’s in my hands.”

“What type of illicit activities were happening at the shop before that you had to clean up exactly?”

Shaun – “Wouldn’t know, wouldn’t care. All I know is people tried bringing that shit inside and I threw ’em right back out along with yesterdays’ trash.”

“Fair enough, anything about your shop that you would like the people of Hathian to know about? Why should they shop at your place?”

Shaun – “It’s the only shop of its kind, filled with items that are one of a kind. You might go in there and find something you didn’t know you wanted, or something cheaper than what you’ll get in retail. Though..if ya ain’t interested in that, we’re also the only place in town where you can get a firearm or a cash loan, if you’re running a little tight on bills. Another no-bullshit business you can come in and get what ya need.”

“Any other businesses in town you have worked with for special events?”

Shaun – “Not yet. I’m still planning to host a charity event for Veterans, a gun show, and have spoken to a couple businesses about it..Super Chopsticks, Bleu Wag bistro, the Grind..but I haven’t written anything in stone yet. I don’t want to rush it. Last thing I want is for a charity event to be a bust ’cause I fucked up somehow.”

“If other businesses or any upstanding citizens contacted you and wanted to assist you in setting up this charity event, I assume you would be open to those requests then?”

Shaun – “The more the merrier, and the better chance we’ll have of making an impact in the lives of our Veterans.”

His shop is open 24 hours a day obviously. And is always willing to hear from others about what items they may desire his store to carry. You can make your suggestions to the twitter page @CD_PawnShop or just ask Shaun if you see him at the store. 


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