Election Results In As Shock Mayor Returns to Hathian

1 min read

Hathianites took to the polls on Monday and Tuesday to vote for the newest version of their city government. While campaigns were brief, and the final weekend interrupted by gangland-driven chaos, candidates pushed hard, and the results are in.

For City Council, a total of four seats were made available, after previous councilmen did not seek re-election. The chosen candidates are:

Aizlynne Argeneau (aizlynne.resident)
Charis Lemoine (tallulah.birdsong)
Cat Mason
Heather Ray (caileighjewel.resident)

In a shock result for the mayoral race, previously ousted longtime mayor Robert “Bobby” Boxer has won the chance to redeem himself after his drug scandal just two years ago. It seems voters took to his redemption story with great hope, giving him the opportunity after completing a stint in rehab to return to his mayoral chair.

Chosen councilmen will have only a brief time to relax before taking on their duties, as they will be sworn in next week, with a reception to follow for family and friends. Current council members Perina McGinnis and Alexandra Markus, along with outgoing Mayor Nick Matfield will be wrapping up remaining items from their tenure this week.

((Thank you to all who participated!))

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