Letter From The Editor

1 min read

The last week or so has been an ordeal.

As most of you know, I was kidnapped and held against my will for the better part of 72 hours. I was beat, starved, and tortured, and I don’t remember any of it. That’s how bad my head injuries are. As if that wasn’t enough, my wedding rings were stolen.

But that is not why I’m writing this. I’m writing this because I want to thank all of those who showed any sort of concern. After my stint in the hospital, I signed into Twitter to dozens of notifications. Tweets, favourites, retweets, and replies, all about my disappearance.

I was, and still am, shocked at the amount of concern people showed for me, friends and complete strangers alike. Never before has such consideration been shown for me.

Even the ever controversial Hathian Police Department came through for me when I needed them to. Not only did they tend to my husband after I was kidnapped, not only did they find me and bring me to the hospital, but they fired one the culprit, who happened to work in the department.

Me and my husband are incredibly grateful to all of you. The support that everyone showed helps more than you can understand.

Thank you, every single one of you.

– Valena Aubin

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