Allison Hillford, a dancer at the Titty Twister who goes by the name ‘Sunny’ was recently arrested on drug possession and officer assault charges and taken to the Hathian Police Department, but that is where this story takes a perplexing turn.
Mysteriously, although she never posted bail, nor served her time, Allison was brought to Hathian General by an unidentified male early Friday morning and admitted for multiple injuries including a broken nose, vaginal trauma and uterine hemorrhage resulting in miscarriage. While HGH staff would not comment on the exact nature of Hillford’s status, they did verify that she is in fair condition and expected to recover.
Hillford herself would give no comment to the Observer; in fact, she would give no comment to anyone. Hospital staff have verified that the dancer has not spoken since her admittance. “There is no medical reason for her condition,” quoted one HGH physician who wished to remain anonymous. “I believe Ms. Hillford is suffering from psychological trauma.”
So, what did happen between Hillford’s arrest and her admittance to HGH? True to type, the HPD would not offer comment on how one of their prisoners disappeared and then turned up in the hospital raped and psychologically damaged. Is this yet another example of police justice gone too far?
The HPD are no strangers to rumors and speculation about their professional tactics; but it can be argued that up until recently, ever since the retirement of former HPD Chief Hendrich Andel, things had become calmer. Now reports of police brutality are back on the rise. Are we about to see another resurgence of police violence? Only time will tell.