As Independence Day approaches, we’re all reminded of the freedom our great county has. It’s a time for celebration, spending time with family and our friends. It’s a time to be thankful for the fathers before us who fought for that freedom.
Each year the city celebrates in their own way. Last year something new was attempted, a week and a half long carnival that the citizens could enjoy with their friends and family. With the increase in citizens the last year has seen in the community, space is very limited to hold such a large event. However, the city council has agreed to allow some space in District 8 so that a mini-carnival can be held.
The business owners of Hathian have pulled together once more to arrange a small carnival. There will be food, a few rides, face painting and more. The event will run from Sunday June 30th through Friday July 5th in the center of District 8. A firework display will also run every hour on the hour beginning early morning on July 4th in Hathian. So bring the family out and celebrate our Independence.
Should you have questions or concerns, please contact local business owner, Audrina Canning ((Tolsen)).