Most Succesful Man In Hathian: Meet Christopher Devon

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Chris Devon Helping Hathian To Success


Chris Devon Helping Hathian To Success

Successful realtor and businessman, Chris Devon, 38, a recent arrival in the city of Hathian has been one of only a few investors who have been spending money to help restore the city to it’s former glory. Hathian, although a melting pot of cultures and influences with a variety of things to do, has trouble attracting investors and businesses due to it’s high crime rate and the devestation left behind by repeated storms, such as the Great Flood of 2010 and Hurricane Katrina.  Plenty of investors would see the challenges that Hathian faces: high crime, gang warfare, bad relations between citizens and police force, low income families, and turn the other way, but Chris Devon explains to the  Hathian Obeserver in this interview why he feels so much love or the city of Hathian and how his plans for the city will change the future of Hathian for the better.

Hotel La Salle, opening April 1st

Observer: So tell us a little about yourself Chris, what are you doing               here in Hathian and what attracted you to the city?

C.Devon: ” I was mostly raised in Philidelphia, Washington and Harrisburg. I’m a J.D and  I have a law practice. I’m also a full Partner of Blackriver Security, LLC. and the Sole proprietor of  Devon Properties LLC. which owns this place (the hotel La Salle) and some other rentals. I’ve only been here for about half a year. I didn’t plan to come to Hathian at all.When I realized that I really needed to stay away from the big cities-stick to places that even if somebody had a friend, I could be a big enough fish in the small pond that it didn’t matter.I figured I might as well be on a coast…have good weather..  I looked at South Carolina. I was looking at Pennsacola and I was browsing and gots some hits on  auctions and foreclosures from Louisiana.  Becuase of Katrina it’s a buyer’s market here.  I realized that I could buy an entire building and remodel it for less than the sale price of my apartment in Georgetown.  That’s how I got the New Windsor.  Since then, I’ve just been writing business plans and trying to keep up.  I’m a little overextended but I think things will come together.”

Observer:  You have bought and built up rentals in Hathian and own quite a lot of property as well as owning BlackRiver Security. This means that business is on the increase as a result and the citizen’s of Hathian have wider opportunities for employment. We’ve been hearing how you are on the lookout for new staff as you build up your business here in Hathian. Tell us more about what BlackRiver Security is about and who you count as your friends in Hathian now that you’ve come to call it’ home.’

The hotel also has a rooftop bar with incredible views
The private beach and bar at Hotel La Salle


The hotel La Salle boasts a fine restaurant

C.Devon: ” We’re doing a hiring push actually. Investigators, Uniform Security…it’s not as exciting as HPD, but it’s a steady paycheck. Of course we’re just private citizens. We don’t have any special rights.  We handle premise security…basic honest work. There are a lot of people who need a few uniformed guys to keep their private land private. We try to be a good, honest, single source for that. Also some investigations, mostly insurance though we had one government contract. ”

“I’ve got quite a variety of friends.  Bethany who is my Office Manager. Madison at Lou’s has become a good friend.Pamela who worked down at the TT…a few other people whose names may be best kept confidential. PJ Ronin is the Chief of Security for Blackriver and really does most of the work. He’s a rock of a guy and I couldn’t ask for anyone better. He puts up with me. Sofia Keolanui will be the hostess of the Hawiian Surf Tiki bar at La Salle, something I’m excited and pleased about. ”

Observer: We’ve had a chance to look at the Hotel La Salle, your latest developement and project and we have to say it’s amazing! The hotel boasts excellent views of the beach and the sea, luxurious decor and one of Hathian’s largest ballrooms and indoor halls-available for weddings, banquets and ceremonies- as well as one of Hathian’s finest restaurants. The outdoor bar area boasts a swimming pool area and a hot tub and private beach. What have been the biggest challenges facing you in setting up your business in Hathian and why?

C. Devon: ” A lot of people will tell you that the greatest challenge here is the crime but I haven’t found that.  Other cities have worse crime.  Not necessarily in the US,  but say San Salvador, in Chiapas in Mexico.  Here you have the “new era” US attitude of zero tolerance towards crime running into a level of chaos that doesn’t exist in most of the US.  In other places there’s organization the heads of the gangs talk, have ententes, have deals with the Police, and they crack down on freelancers.  Not always sucessfully…but here…you have chaos and people get caught in that.  Building Blackriver Security is about creating a small point of stablility.  And that’s been tough.”

Chris, as he likes to be known, owns Florida apartments, Old Boat House out in Devil’s Pocket, as well as some mobile home trailer rentals by the fish market in Phareauxdian Slip and the Rosemont out in Vodou. With an eye for property, his main focus however remains his latest development, the Hotel La Salle and his private security firm BlackRiver, adding that his ” real business lately has been building Blackriver Security, though I’m just the business side of the operation.” The city will see many more projects in the future by Mr Devon and we hope that he is successful as his latest projects have been building up certains areas of Hathian into commerically succesful and attractive looking properties as well as increasing business and employment opportunities for the people of Hathian.

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