Bourbon and Skin

1 min read

Bourbon Street, Hathian: Home of the ever-popular strip joint known as the Titty Twister, is no stranger to displays of the flesh. Today, however, Mardi Gras kicked off with a bang which included scantily clad women sucking on hot meat on the sidewalk out front of the long-standing establishment. Free hotdogs, courtsey of the Titty Twister and served up by one of the managers, Valmont Marseille, himself were being distributed for the celebrations.

Mardi Gras is French for Fat Tuesday, referring to the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season, which begins on Ash Wednesday. In England, the day is sometimes referred to as Shrove Tuesday, and is associated with the religious requirement for confession before Lent begins. It’s a time of indulgence, and none seem to understand how to indulge nearly so well as the inhabitants of Hathian.

Some of the women wore little more than ribbons, bows, or body paint to celebrate the long-standing tradition that began in New Orleans. In the last decade, commercials catering to voyeurs helped encourage a tradition of women baring breasts in exchange for beads and trinkets. This practice has lead to public nudity and debauchery through this day of celebration in the Red-Light district.

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