Quill Lopez (13), disappeared from her foster home late last week; the foster parents, Daily Grind manager Piaget Hax and CU Senior Rachel Quinn-Hax, believe the child ran away. “Pia and I were having an argument,” Quinn-Hax reluctantly quoted, “and I think she got frightened.” When asked why they have not yet filed a missing persons report with the Hathian Police Department, Quinn-Hax was quick to defend their actions. “The HPD… are often less than helpful and they are already stretched so thin with all the violence and gang activity. We already let her caseworker know and will hire a private detective if necessary, we just want Quill to come home.”
Piaget and Rachel are the biological parents of a baby boy, Joshua Hax (3 mos.) who is reported to be safe at home. The Hax family reportedly have tentative plans to adopt Lopez and are consulting with an attorney sometime following the holiday season. When asked why she was coming to the paper, Quinn-Hax assured us that her intentions were to try and reach out to Quill. “We just want her to know that we’re looking for her and we miss her and we want her to come home.” Quinn-Hax said, reaching out to her foster daughter. “If there is any chance she might read this… we just wanted to tell her that.”
When asked what was the nature of the disagreement that might have inspired Lopez to run away, Quinn-Hax declined to comment beyond saying, “That really isn’t what this is about. It was a personal matter and has been resolved.”
The foster father of the girl, Piaget Hax, was quoted as saying, “Quill we love you dearly. We don’t know why you have left home, but whatever the reason, we love you, we will always love you, and we just want you to come back to us. We need you to complete our family.”
Quill is described as being of average height and build with a dark complexion, long dark hair, brown eyes and is almost entirely deaf. Anyone who sees her is encouraged to contact Piaget or Rachel Hax at 555-2817. ((IM: Piaget Hax or Quinn Marenwolf))