Letter to the Editor: Buffy is a Monster!

1 min read


Recently the Observer reported on “Free Buffy Day” and the plight of Rebecca Anne Summers.

On May 7, 2011, I was assaulted by Rebecca and nearly lost my life. Only the prompt reaction of Paulo Spicoli of Hathian emergency and the talents of the medical staff in Hathian General allowed me to survive a serious injury. May I take a moment to use this forum to publicly thank them for their care and dedication. I am currently writing from Hathian hospital, were I am recovering, much to the relief of my wife Jessi, and my daughters Michelle and Hayley.

I state all this to make it clear to the citizens of Hathian that Rebecca needs the professional help that psychiatric counseling can bring. Her delusions make her a danger to the citizens of Hathian, and she needs to be incarcerated and kept off the streets.

If there are still those out there who think otherwise – I would ask them how many more murders will it take to change their mind.

Regards, Valmont Marseille

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