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Another part of Hathian burns tonight in the wake of what is amounting to a costly gang war to the city’s general population. In the later hours of Saturday night, multiple calls went out to the Hathian Police Department reporting local gang Ace’s Crew had set fires to Rader Records via molotov cocktails, to Reject stronghold known as Will’s House using unnamed potentially hazardous chemicals, and the night rounding out with the explosion of a methamphetamine lab in Vodou. It’s another night in a long string of days in which remaining Hathianites have been forced to bear the brunt of this battle between the two formerly aligned criminal groups. While the total amount of damage thus far to local businesses, not to mention loss of revenue or compensation for workers, has not been tallied, the Hathian Observer has kept the following account:

  • Began back on May 10th, in what may have been the start of the turmoil, Ace’s Crew were suspected of burning then-leader of the Rejects, Lex, while nailed to a tree.
  • Shortly after, through anonymous tip, it is learned that two female Ace’s members are severely beaten. One includes former high ranking HGH doctor Tabbie Blackthrone, left crucified in the parking lot of the Master Bates Inn; the other, suspected to be Lexi Walcott, mother of current Ace’s leader Rabid, was discovered hacked up by a large knife and suffering form injury due to being thrown through the glass of her trailer home. While HPD officials have no detained anyone at this time, a tall dark figure seen leaving both scenes with Reject band on one bicep.
  • May 16th, the Master Bates Inn, site of Ms. Blackthorne’s attack, is set on fire. Ace’s are suspected.
  • Later that month, Will’s House meets the same fate.
  • This past Tuesday, July 6th, an Amber Alert was issued for Taja Calhern, daughter of Aces leader Ryan “Rabid” Calhern and Rejects suspected head Piper Rewell. Paternal custody, maternal kidnapping.
  • And finally, at some point between then and tonight, the following civilians are attacked: Dr. James Matfield, who assisted in young Taja’s birth, is burned on cross in Rader parking lot. Shortly after, Tre Chevalier-Juliesse Teardrop, wife of Ace member Jimmy “Drop” Teardrop, beaten in front of Gein Burger, the known Aces hangout which she manages. EDIT: the Observer has been informed of another incident regarding Mrs. Teardrop and a ‘belting’ in front of said establishment, but it is believed this is internal discipline measures not related to the ongoing gang war.

And so it seems that while these two gangs were terrorizing Hathian together in manner of “us vs. the world”, it seems now that a great foe has emerged in their battle against one another. It will in the end, perhaps, be left to the citizens of Hathian to decide how long they will let their beloved city burn.

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