Economic Peril Strikes Hathian, Citizens to Save the Day

3 mins read

People of Hathian, it’s time we embrace the responsibilities of being a citizen! No, it’s not time to vote, there’s more important issues to discuss. Take for example, the economy.


Unless one has been living under a rock for the last eight years, then one would be familiar with the dire state of affairs. Poverty is on the rise, stores are closing down, and it’s just too hard to make a living. The current unemployment rate is slightly over seven percent and climbing.


Below the national average is our state of Louisiana hanging in at around six percent. Three out of fifty people are currently without a job. Don’t be fooled, for that number is not as large as it appears! The numbers can it closest to home, when it’s three neighbors without work, three family members, or three of our fifty illegitimate children who have to depend upon us! Who can stand to support a family member, one who moves into our homes and takes advantage of a comfy situation? No one of sound mind would put up with it.


Hathian is far from exempt of feeling the impact of the foul market. Throughout the city, stores are closing their shutters, due to a lack of business. The unemployment rate is rising. We can do our part to end our financial crisis, by simply reallocating our wealth in locally owned businesses!


The Daily Grind, just around the corner, will give you as much foam at the same exploited price as the other major coffee distributors will deal out. Gein Burger uses the same cheap meat as competitive fast food establishments for approximately the same price. The Clam Gas Station sells the same overly priced oil and cigarettes as competing corporate owned stations do as well.  


It’s our duty, as citizens of this decrepit city, to spend our money elsewhere! Bring it to local establishments and help keep our homegrown businesses afloat. Buy cigarettes! Pump gas! Order up at Gein Burger or Slim Goodies’ Diner! Reinvest into Hathian, and Hathian will invest in us!





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