FDH Chief Dies In Fire

1 min read

Saturday, November 15th, 2008 – FDH Chief, Callum Mondegreen, died from crushing injuries, received when a section of the roof collapsed on him. Chief Mondegreen had just finished pulling a female victim from the fire and was returning to check for victims, when the roof section collapsed on top of him.


Chief Mondegreen was declared dead on the scene after repeated attempts by FDH paramedics proved unsuccessful in reviving him. He was taken to Hathian General Hospital, and was the only fatality at the fire.


Chief Modegreen was well loved by the FDH and considered to be a major influence at the department. He is survived by his German Shepherd, Dave, and ex wife Elizabeth Caldwell. At press time the date for his funeral has yet to be announced.

FDH paramedics attempting to revive their Chief
FDH paramedics attempting to revive their Chief
Cheif Mondegreen being removed from the fire by Lt. Blaisdale
Cheif Mondegreen being removed from the fire by Lt. Blaisdale
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