Comic Store Burned in Mysterious Fire

2 mins read

Hathian– Late last night an 911 call was recorded that reported a mysterious fire at the Comic book store on the corner of Vodou highway one and Main Street. The fire quickly spread to ingulf the entire building trapping a few citizens inside. The Hathian Fire Department responded quickly to the call, but were unable to get control of the blaze in the old building.

There was one fatality in the fire, who’s name has not been released, but it is assumed that it was a Fire Fighter based on whitenesses. When the fire started there were three citizens trapped inside the building, two of which got out on their own with little to minor injuries. The third was rescued by a well decorated fire fighter got the pregnant woman on the ladder just before the roof collapsed trapping the fire figter in the blaze.

Though still under investigation it is believed that the fire was a form of arson and will be handed off to PD to handle. The fire fighters name is planned to be released to the public at a later date. The Hathian Observer staff send out its deepest thank you and condolences to both the friends and family of the deceased personel.

The observer will be publishing an article on the Hero that saved a womans life. Please read soon to give Thanks and Honor to this fallen public servant. The memorial service has yet to be announced

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