Army Veteran Goes AWOL

1 min read

Theo Johnson, who has survived military tours in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and North Korea, mysteriously disappeared last week after his shift at the Got Head shop on North Shore Drive.

Johnson was last seen with his girlfriend, Charlice Darwin, on the afternoon of October 23rd, and authorities believe that sometime between the afternoon of the 23rd and the early morning of the next day, he vanished, leaving no hint as to what could have happened to him.

Alert was first raised about his disappearance on the night of the 24th, when he failed to show up for his work-out at the Howling at the Moon Fitness Centre, where he is considered a regular by staff and management.

Darwin says that his wallet and cell phone were left at home,  which investigators say indicates that he most likely did not leave under his own free will.

Johnson has a slender build and is 6’2″ with dark skin, long brown hair, and green eyes, and friends and loved ones plead that anyone with information informs the HPD immediately.

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