Hathian Mardi Gras: A Surprising Success

1 min read

Feburary 9th citizens of Hathian got together on Bourbon Street to celebrate the annual Mardi Gras. With the reputation these celebrations have had in the past, and the city’s staggering crime rate, it comes as no surprise when people where expecting more than just some feathers and beads. Though shockingly, the night was pretty tame.

I had the chance to spend some time down there myself, and had an amazing celebration! Not only was there giant cotton candy, lots of alcohol, and a plethora of amazing costumes on display by fellow citizens; but enough naked, bead covered chests to cause a stroke! A stage was set up by Titty Twister that citizens assumed was for dancers to perform, but no one ever showed up for that.

Here are a few photos of the event, some taken by me, some sent in by citizens!




Although the night this year was chillier than normal, the citizens of Hathian had some good, crime free fun! Besides, I don’t think many people noticed the cold once they had a few drinks in them. Could the tame night mean things have started to take a turn for the better in our city? We can only hope!

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