Candidate Catch Up: Nick Matfield

7 mins read

Seen all around Hathian actively campaigning for his cause, and using social media like Twitter to get his word out, Nick Matfield is quickly becoming the topic of everyone’s political conversations.

Matfield was Born in Las Vegas, Nevada but raised in Ireland where he used music to escape his negative childhood. Now living in Hathian, he’s recently turned to politics and trying to make a change.

Thianya Kanya: What made you decide to run for Mayor, and was it a difficult decision for you to make?

Nick Matfield: I decided to run for Mayor because I constantly, between my work at HPD and former position as a Seaside counselor, saw what a mess the city is. I believe I can help with those things. It was a hard decision. It’s a lot of work and responsibility. I would have to give up a position at HPD, one I worked hard for, if elected. I would have to pass on my upcoming promotion. Constantly having to put up with people bashing me, digging through my past and twisting things. However, I feel it will be worth it in the end.

TK: I know you said if elected you will be stepping down from your position at HPD, what kind of thoughts had to go into making that decision for you, and is it going to be hard to walk away?

NM: It will be hard, but I think it’s for the best. I can create more change as Mayor than as a Corporal with HPD. I’m about to be Lieutenant, but I would give that up to help make Hathian better.

TK: If elected, what would be your firs order of business? What do you feel needs the most attention in the city?

NM: Seaside. The children are the future, so helping them is top priority. I have spoken with Zipporah Caverly and discussed fund raising ideas. I have also volunteered to counsel the troubled youth in order to keep them of the streets and be a mentor.

TK:  What are some other areas of the city you plan to work on improving, if elected?

NM: The relationship between HPD and Civil Services. People whine about not getting a fair trial, so why not give them one? I’m also speaking to CU Dean Isabella Minoptra about what needs to be done there. Education is very important.

Matfield didn’t have much to say when it came to his views on the Hathian Police Department, and their corruption, but seemed to have some good ideas when it came to improving the legal system and making better laws for the city.

“I think there are areas to improve. Citizens utilizing Civil Services and lawyers is a good way to possibly help with that.”

TK: Do you feel like there are any current laws in the city that could use a bit of tweaking? Or laws that should be put in place that we don’t have thus far?

NM:  Curfews on children under the age of 16. Anyone under the age of 12 that is unaccompanied should be taken to Civil Services right away. Less strict punishments for first offenders, including those that assault officers. We should look for alternative punishments for prisoners as well. Community service instead of jail every time.

TK: How do you plan to get the funds this city will need to make some of these improvements you’ve mentioned?

NM: I discussed many fund raising ideas for Seaside with Zipporah Caverly. Door to door sales of candy, with adult escorts to keep the children safe, events designed to raise funds for Seaside, such as a concert utilizing local talent, working with local businesses to host these events. I am the only candidate that has met with people of power. I also met with lawyer Caspian Vond to discuss how Civil Services can be better utilized in this city.

TK: Have you had the chance to meet up with any of your fellow candidates to have any debates or discussions?

NM:  I’ve met Ryo. Valentina is someone whose name I’ve seen, but never met her. I briefly met Jeremiah Finch. I would very much like to meet Bob Bond. I would welcome a debate.

It’s no secret that Matfield and Ryo Hwang have been butting heads through most of this election. Twitter posts back and forth, as well as comments directly from Ryo, mostly surrounding their personal lives have been seen often. When asked what Matfield thought about Ryo’s opinion on him, he had little to say.

“I have no respect for Ryo and could not care less about his opinions. Let me clarify. I don’t care about his opinion of me on a personal level.”

Matfield seems to have a lot to say when it comes to improving Hathian, but is he the right guy for the job? Only time will tell, and only YOU can decide.

“I might not be the most hilarious, but I’m the only one actually trying to do things. #MatfieldforMayor “

Voting polls open Wednesday Feurary 10th at 8am, and will be ongoing until the 12th at 8pm. You can place your vote at the Civil Services building on Hathian Highway, inside the lobby of the Hathian Police Department, or within the gym at Columtreal University.

Remember people of Hathian, every vote counts. The candidates need you!


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