By: Daiyu Tang / Photo Credits: ((aeriv resident for amazing CCTV ones / faithtang.resident))
Dear reader, I was hoping to end 2024 on a high note, or at least a Year in Review that didn’t have December finish as a month where some really bad shit was reported to the Observer. Do you think I got my Christmas wish dear reader?
Of course I didn’t. Hail Santa.
So sit down, relax, get your mulled wine and a mince pie (or three if you’re Elben) and settle in for a story that will give you a few shivers. Perhaps you’ve interacted with people I will go on to mention? Perhaps you are close with them? Perhaps they know you more intimately than you would ever wish.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. How did this start? One individual decided that when the subject of a potential serious crime to do the right thing and bring it to the attention of the Observer, not just the HPD. Yes, the cops might (and should) help, but sometimes it’s good for me to get my torch and shine it into the gaping maw of darkness that is Hathian.
It Starts with Something Good
The pharmacy in Hathian is a place where crime does happen and where in previous articles we have been really worried about the owner, Emily Wood. She has previously been kidnapped from there and although she was ‘safely’ recovered, it has to be said that assaults on medical workers are so common that it is a surprise a drug store can safely operate.
If you want to read more about Emily (pictured right) you can in our article linked HERE and what we think was related to it HERE.
Suffice to say, the Observer would up until this point have not thought that Emily was capable of much more than holding her ground (if that). But it seems we may have been… wrong.
It is not unusual that the Observer receives exclusive interviews, tips, or other information that can help us with our investigations and news. Despite what some of our articles might indicate many of our journalists want to be in the thick of it, doing good work, finding out stories and not just reporting on the latest party or who is sleeping with who.
I was thus very pleased (but not entirely without experiencing some worry) to be approached by a man, with whom certain links to the Hathian crime scene features. Ok, I’ll be clear readers, I really dislike the Yuugen. I dislike what they do, I dislike what they stand for and if I got the chance, I’d citizen’s arrest Tori and take her out of state to somewhere they would lock her away, feed her three times a day and just leave her to mental solitude. No more games. No more… Anyway, I am running away with myself (but didn’t John Lennon say to ‘Imagine’?).
I was approached by a man known as Hesson who wasn’t shy in admitting that he was associated with the Yuugen. I’d like to think that for all the shit Ryder and other people give me, the fact I stayed and listened does me credit. It would be remiss to assume that just because a ‘bad’ approaches, that they don’t have good information or perhaps have a way to protect others more broadly.
Hesson: “This is a really important case with a criminal angle…”
Ok, that kinda intro has me hook, line and sinker. It probably also helped that there was a little bit of butter. I won’t embarrass myself or Hesson with the exact praise, but know that they do work sometimes!
Hesson: “To begin with, I’d like to know if you know a girl called Emily Wood? She owns the local pharmacy and runs the Asylum… Quietton.”
Daiyu: “I have heard of Emily, I believe we’ve covered both her store and perhaps even some incidents at it… including… Yes, she was kidnapped I remember….”
“This girl kidnapped me a couple of months ago . There was information from your radio about the opening of Asylum Quietton and it was from that moment that I was held hostage by her. A brief background, I had a severe injury and a split personality from which I was treated by HGH doctors, but Emily Wood decided that I would become the first patient of her new business and forged the transfer papers. After that, other doctors took me to her. That place.. a real kennel , where people are bullied , women dressed as nuns stuff people with tranquilizers and mock them ..If you go there yourself, you will see that the place looks more like a kennel than an Asylum!”
Daiyu: “I’m sorry to hear of your injury, may I ask who from HGH was involved with your care? The reason I’d ask is that there are some rumours that certain staff there work with some of the gangs and groups in Hathian to siphon people elsewhere….”
Hesson: “Dr. Edgar Henningard was my doctor, and he helped Emily get patients, including me. I think they’ve been kidnapping people for their experiments for a long time. But Emily had a personal grudge against me, so I understand why she did it.”
A grudge is not a reason for revenge. We take revenge too easily and without grace and while it would turn out that Hesson had done bad things, for which he admitted, the outcome to him was more and more of that Ouroboros that I’ve written about before.
I encouraged him to keep talking, to share this experience with Emily so that you, reader, can understand the flow of events and what logic, if any, there was to the madness that I was hearing.
Hesson: “I was rescued by my friends who had been desperately trying to find me for weeks. They called all the authorities and happened to walk into Asylum Quietton and a friend of mine heard me screaming because Emily was pulling my upper teeth without anaesthesia. As you can see, I now have a new jaw…”
I could see, metal teeth… and I saw a photo, a photo that I led this section with.
Daiyu: “Just another torture place… I’m sorry about your teeth… but ok, I guess I’m going to have to ask what the personal grudge was, not that I would justify violence on you from anyone, but because Hathian tends to be a fucking circle and I’d rather not you know… knock her down a peg, without context… didn’t shoot her boyfriend or something did you?”
Hesson: “My other personality once beat her up in a drugstore, then I gave in and agreed to treatment, I don’t make excuses for myself and I know that people like me deserve to be punished. So I didn’t resist when they took me away for treatment, I thought I could apologize to her after I got out, but she decided it was okay to kidnap me and pull out my teeth.”
It sounded about right. One thing, perhaps even not one that was done on purpose, led to another and apologies or attempts to ‘make it right’ had backfired. Of course, this was a gang member I was dealing with reader, so there was going to need to be further digging…
Hesson: “I went to the pharmacy with my brother to buy gum ointment, unfortunately Emily was there, I had no weapon and was no threat to her, but she was very aggressive and pulled out a gun, even though there was another girl in the pharmacy who just wanted to buy something. She almost killed her and my brother, and her employee came out of the pharmacy with a human hand, as you can see in the photo. There was a cadaverous smell in the pharmacy and they threatened that girl, tried to lure her into the pharmacy, but we saved her. But if we had escaped without her, there would have been one more dead body in town. The pharmacy employee said that the law was on their side and he was bringing them the bodies to dismember them there… so I tried to take pictures of them and I came to you.”
That was a lot to unpick, but the basic premise appears to be that perhaps HGH has outsourced body disposal to the pharmacy, perhaps in some way that isn’t entirely legal. Hesson is convinced that he saved a woman there from becoming a victim. He told me about some of the bad things he has done when he claims to have been ill.
“I’ve done a lot of bad things while I’ve been fighting my illness, and I know that all of my actions haven’t led to anything good. Perhaps that is why I don’t go to her to get revenge or try to kill her. I understand her pain, for I took my anger out on that poor girl simply because I was in a bad mood. Two days ago I apologized to her for it, but she chose to shoot me. It scares me what she’s doing, I’ve seen other people suffer at the asylum Quitton , I don’t know why she chose to do this. And now there are dead bodies lying in the pharmacy, anyone who walks into that pharmacy could be in danger, what if it’s someone’s child?”
Well my lovely readers, what the hell right? But I know that hell can be a place on Earth and sometimes the name is Hathian, so now it was time to stake-out this Asylum and see what we could see and what, if anything, we could dig up from CCTV.
We Investigate
Our investigations took us to a perch high up at the University and along with other colleagues from the Observer we kept a watch on the building.
Most of the time we saw little in the way of activity and it was very hard to get a good photo from either ground level, or via getting a few ‘boosts’ up in height. At one point a woman in red (bottom photo) was spotted, but we have not been able to positively identify her. Besides from her and some scary statues (top right) and a general feeling that this place, like Hesson said, is more ‘Kennel’ than ‘place of recovery’, we didn’t see anything that odd.
Staff changes happened and from time to time we saw people hurry in and out. It wasn’t until we both ‘requested’ CCTV from certain CU cameras nearby and setup our own surveillance system, with the permission of the Dean, that we found some more interesting things…
In the image above we can see an individual that we believe could be Emily, receiving a delivery via ambulance of a transfer… And yes, there are nuns here and if you’re not creeped out already, you are made of stronger stuff than me reader!
We saw here a garbage truck and it struck me… that what I was in the middle of, wasn’t so much an issue between Hesson and Emily, it was a conflict with the Yuugen.
Things Started Making Sense…
Garbage Wars
The above picture is from an article we carried in the Observer in early December. It promised a new city dump outside the garage in the Hathian. As many will know, this is a place that the Yuugen work and even to myself as Observer Editor I was quite suspicious of the article. But, I made a call to play it and see what might come from it.
It is now my view that the article was put in the paper by Emily, or someone close to her (or even perhaps a Group she fronts? Is there a new gang or threat in town?) as part of this Yuugen conflict and feud.
And if I thought that a garbage dump was the worst it was going to get? What about Chemical Attacks?
Chemical ‘Warefare’
I didn’t think when I started this article that during the research and investigations and evidence gathering that it would continue to escalate and spiral every day and week. No matter what stone I unturned there was another crime thereafter.
We obtained from the garage CCTV of an incident that we understand led to many people, some who appear to have nothing to do with the Yuugen being admitted to Hospital after some kind of chemical attack. As far as we’re aware and as a witness recounts, Emily’s name was given…
We don’t have all the details on the attack and frankly, with the amount of shit that Tori is giving me on Twitter, I don’t care about her (and yes, a little birdy whispered that she needed some good old treatment) but I do care about anyone innocent caught up in this attack. If that was you and you have a tale to tell, or perhaps work for the brave FDH officers seen making the area safe in the CCTV, do reach out for an interview.
It all Leads Back to Emily
The Observer has reached out to Emily via a number of routes but as at the time of this article we’ve not yet been able to arrange a mutually satisfactory time to meet with her (in a safe location) and ask some of the questions that this article begs to be answered. We also want to arrange a tour of the ‘Quietton Asylum’ so we can see what, if anything, can be understood from our photos and interviews with staff and, if appropriate, patients there.
Source 1: “So, it was Hesson who was transfered from Lareau’s hospital to this asylum, Emily she did torture him, I think I told you he started this, uhh, vendetta? Anyway so yes, that’s what happened then the Yuugen figured out where he was and broke in to rescue him. Other patients are residing there normally… as far as… as in no systematic abuse or other abductions but still…”
With an independent witness confirming Hesson’s allegations, it seemed we now had a closed loop on that part of the story… now though there was a spiral of destruction and reader, I think sometimes it’s our job in the Observer to try and quieten it down. The Yuugen don’t seem to mind publicity, but for Emily and her business, contacts with the City and all that. I suggest, in the New Year, that you get time to give us your side of the story, so maybe, just maybe, we can help broker a truce and for those that say I just leech from the city and that I and the Observer are the worst thing in the city? I hope you remember that, even as we try to do what we can when you are in dark places.
With regards to our next steps? The Observer has requested full access to this asylum and a full interview with Emily. We will inspect this asylum, speak to residents and make sure that you, our dear readers, are as safe as we can assist.
- Daiyu & Team
((Many thanks to all involved from late November to now – it’s been hard to get this all down with lots changing and happening; awesome RP everyone! For the Observer, we’re caught up (on what we known about!) but we look forward to picking up in the New Year! Many thanks Emily, Tori, Hesson, Viv and others involved!))