Date Night – Who Won?

12 mins read

By: Daiyu Tang

It was a busy night at the Hathian Museum & Galleries on Friday August 2nd when multiple ‘lots‘ presented themselves as art for the bidding public. It was advertised as a chance to make a connection, find someone you shared an interest with and appreciate artistic talents that the ‘lots’ might have. In this article most of our photos can be expanded with a click!

Ably supported by Zofia who acted as auctioneer for the evening and did an amazing job, it was a great event that hopefully brought people some enjoyment of the finer things in life!

Lot Reminder & Auction Results

As a reminder we’ve included photos of the lots below and the general idea was that a bid would lead to a charity donation (HGH) with the successful bidder and ‘lot’ going on some kind of ‘date’.

The auction was very successful with a total of XXX raised for charity and afterwards a special surprise from a major doner in Hathian was also received (see below!)

In terms though of follow through, we know that Acland, Estelle and myself had dates, but we didn’t hear whether Estefanie & Seraphine, Shella or Carmen managed to meet up with their winner. If they want to reach out to confirm, do feel free.

The entrants were required to act as ‘art’ and then undertook a bit of a catwalk, or other activity on the main museum floor…

Our first lot, Carmen was won by Yaden Toran for $1,000! Our second lot, Daiyu (me!), was won by Tsosi for $5,000. Dr Eve bid on Acland and won for $2,500, while Yaden also bid on $1,000 on Shella (busy man that Yaden!). Frank bid $1,500 on Estelle, while Hades bid $2,200 on the twins Estéfaníe & Séraphine.

That meant a grand total of $13,200 and a prize pool for the competition of $2,640! With over $10k remaining for charity (and a special extra donation mentioned below from the Lions Foundation) we think this has been a great night for the HGH!

Competition Results

As a reminder, the Museum & Galleries were keen to capture photos of dates and while I took a lovely photo of Tsosi, I had excluded myself as a possible winner as a conflict of interest. The prizes for the competition were 20% of the auction result ((And a L$ prize!))

We actually therefore only had one submitted, which was Estelle and Frank! Sensitive Readers may wish to know this contains… top half female nudity.

First Prize – Estelle and Frank

The following photo journal was submitted by Estelle and Frank and on the basis of both being cute, heart-felt and the only entry, is the winner! Well done both you share $2,640!

“Hospital Visit”

Visiting Estelle in Hospital, Frank ensured Estelle knew that he cared with half a dozen bewitching roses.

“Your Place or Mine?”

Estelle, still in a wheel chair during the residual part of the Storm was, thanks to Frank, just a little wet.

In the background the boarded up Gein represented a chance for a fresh start.

“Saving Her Feet”

Once the rain cleared up, he carried Estelle through the streets, celebrating the sunshine breaking through. Estelle claimed credit for the change in weather…

“No Limitations”

Phew, that one ended on a scorcher! I think dear reader, you’ll join me in celebrating Estelle and Frank as the winners! Be sure to congratulate our art if you see them in Hathian!

An Additional Donation!

Some of you may be familiar with the wide reaching Lions Holding company in Hathian. They have helped during previous storms… have built nightclubs, supported HGH with events, and have generally been available through the thick and thin of issues within Hathian. They’ve also helped with medical things before! One of the key faces is Bowen MacRieve, a handsome man at just the right age to be sensible and serious, but also rather special. I fear every time I put his picture in the paper, as I get people asking for his number (perhaps for cash donations, but possibly for him!).

I approached Bowen regarding the donation that the Museum was going to make to HGH and wondered if he might be interested in perhaps contributing…

The Lions are a family of companies, which include the foundation that we discuss below. It’s led by Ashlee Redenblack with Bowen as the CEO. They are business partners and I’m sure some readers would want to know if they (pictured) are a bit more. There could be some disappointed readers (for both of them!)

Bowen: “So Miss Tang, besides this donation thing you blackmailed me into with dinner. What else can the Lions Foundation do for you?”

The Observer: “Well my job is to make the light stronger so that shadows grow less, but if they do grow they are highlighted and people are warned and the bad people slink back to the shadows… So… there’s a few things you could do, but perhaps this donation, your charity events, your support for the city is good enough already, but perhaps you have some secrets?”

Bowen: “So you want me to keep my ears open on the strip for you and you take some pretty pictures, seems like a fair trade there! As to your question… In a city that is covered in filth, is it too much for the people to have something clean? That is why I made Luxure what it is. Let those that wouldn’t have a chance come and for a night be more than they ever could. Get clean, be uppity, have fun and be more than what those around this place want you to be.”

The Observer: “So… In a city, which we shall call Hathian… a wealthy, handsome man with a Robin Hood approach to the city established himself and his businesses. He built warehouses, to import everything the city needed, he owned a fleet of trucks to transport things everywhere when needed. When things needed to be built he had the funds and construction abilities to do it. When: people wanted to be moved, his boats and yachts could sail the seas. This man has built all of this, and a nightclub to show the world beauty…. yet…. The nightclub was to allow the women he controlled to dance to make money. The boats and yacht allowed him to evade customs and transport what he wanted across from countries that grew poppies, or maybe had other beautiful things…. his construction firms excavated countless basements and his fleet of trucks transported everything, securely… from food aid to medical aid… just sometimes they went off the GPS for a bit… His warehouses contained all these goods, and of course he employed customs agents… just not officially… so that beauty, materials and more could come and be transported… But of course, he stayed very very clean… very very handsome… and very rich… and the poor uppity journalist, could never find the evidence… even if she dug for dirt with her bare hands… probably…”

It is a fanciful story readers… I just like to tease a few people I interview, but in the end, with the Luxure, the Warehouses and far more as well as a long history of help, donations and support to Hathian (Did you know Bowen is on the HGH Board?) it is just a fantasy and maybe I have some more to share with Bowen at a later date! Dibs!

Bowen: “Oh I like it. Make sure when you write that down you submit it to a script writer, I would love to see that movie. Besides, If I was such a big criminal and all that movie stuff, would I bring a journalist into dinner? Would I have police snooping all the time around the port and such? Robin Hood? I don’t rob from the rich, I simply want to give people an opportunity like I was once given to become more than they are.”

After some more back and forwards Bowen pulled out a party trick. A donation from the Foundation he runs… Readers, it would probably be crass to talk full numbers, but let’s just say… HGH has got richer by perhaps more than double what we raised in the auction… Hopefully you will join me in thanking Bowen, Ashlee and Lions Staff if you see them and we hope to present a cheque to Dr.LeMarchand as soon as possible.

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