Honoring Shyla’s Memory Despite Cowardly Attack

5 mins read

By: Vivienne C.

On Saturday August 17th, a procession of FDH trucks left the building carrying Shyla Fray’s casket, it was followed by an HPD car towards the cemetery where she would have been laid to rest in peace at last. Would have, is the key word but before I can unfold to you the horrific attack that occurred soon after. I would like to first rely what Shyla’s colleagues and friends have shared.

The Eulogy

Outside the cemetery FDH trucks lights bathed everyone in red and blue, a bagpiper played a moving piece FDH Chief Pentewyn and other colleagues carried her in. Chief Pentewyn stood sombrely by the casket to speak first. Following his thoughtful words, an FDH tradition commenced in calling Shyla’s radio one last time. A final poignant tribute. Here I share her eulogy:

“I thought I would have more time with Shyla but it is the nature of this work that we do that no moment is guaranteed. Hard times do not create heroes, it’s during them that we find our inner strength and become a hero. Shyla Fray was a hero to this city- dedicated to making this place a better one for everyone living here.

She always excelled in whatever she did, she had an indomitable spirit and was…fiesty, stubborn. She had a great sense of humor…she was a fierce friend and she could put anyone who needed it in their place. Fray leaves behind countless selfless actions, lives saved, and honor, commitment to duty behind her. She lived a good life and deserves peace and eternal rest. She was fearless, not because she was never scared, but because she took control over her fears and overcame them. She was and is an example to us all. There is no darkness without light. Fray, you were the light and our crew will commit to letting it shine. Rest in peace.”

Nathan Ferrer, Captain, FDH.

The Attack

Briefly after the eulogy was given and while friends and colleagues were in throes of grief and barely had the chance to say their goodbyes, a bomb was set off inside Shyla’s casket that made it plummet into the grave. Only for another to go off soon after. I shan’t describe in graphic details the horror that was unleashed. More minor bombs were set off full of rancid meat, dead rats, and other animal entrails. FDH Chief Pentewyn took the brunt of it since he was closest to the casket, alongside the bagpiper who sadly lost his life. I and others have been injured and will forever be haunted by the despicable inhumane act of desecrating Shyla’s body.

“Our sister firefighter, Shyla Fray, had already paid the ultimate price, and the least we could have done as a city was to lay her to rest with the respect she deserved. But even that dignity was stolen from her. Connor Dupré, the bagpiper who honoured her at the funeral lost his life and several firefighters and attendees were injured and traumatised. We risk our lives every day to save others but those who are fueling tensions against Fire Department Hathian, along with the terrorists who are becoming increasingly bold, have blood on their hands.”

Trevor Pentewyn, FDH Chief.

The culprit is still at large, with speculations around a key figure who threatened FDH only two days prior. Whomever has done this, should be forever locked in a mental asylum for they are unfit to be in society. What they have done defies order and reason. There is no point, or score, or a statement to be made of this, it is cowardly and deranged.

I and others will forever remember Shyla for who she was, we shall continue to support FDH, and we will bury the memory of this act where it belongs. The ash heap of history.

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